Chapter 5

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- Al -



"Hey what time do we have to meet at school?" Hector asks. He glances at the clock. "It's 5:09."

"We should get going." I say, getting off the floor. I stretch, reaching up and yawning. I hate this project.

Hector does the same and we go out of my room. I see my dad and my mom cooking something that smells really good. Spaghetti and meatballs.

"Hey hun." mom says.

"Hi Mom. Hec and I have to get going. Will you save me some spaghetti?" I pause and look at Hector, "I have a feeling I won't like the 'fresh vegetables' we'll be having." I say, mocking Lani's giggly voice.

"Where are you going?" Mom asks, as she forms a meatball.

"Amity for a project." I mumble, grabbing my bag.

"What?!" She yells throwing the meatball in her hand

"Hey," Dad says, defensively. "You got meatball on my favorite shirt."

"Shut up, don't you have twenty shirts just like that?" Mom asks dad.

"Maybe," he murmurs and he goes to give her a hug.

"No. No Tobias..." she says as he gets meatball all over her.

"Tobias?" Hector and I say in sync.

"Umm... we'll talk about that later," Mom changes the subject. "Why are you going to amity?"

"School project." I answer, "Aren't you guys going out tonight?"

"Yes. And why on earth would you have to go to amity for a project?" She asks.

"We have to explore the other factions and write a report on them, Tris." Hector says.

"Oh." She says, "That's stupid."

"That's what I've been saying. We have to go!" I say, walking out of the kitchen, "Oh and mom, I saw your friend Edward on the train today. He says hi! Bye mom! Bye dad! Love you!"

I press the button in the elevator and I can hear mom calling my name, "Al Lynn Eaton!" She shouts, but the doors close before she can finish.

"She's going to be mad at you for leaving." Hector smiles.

"Who is Edward?" He asks.

"Just this factionless guy I met on the train. He thought I was my mom." I say, "He was in my mom's initiation group."

"Oh. Cool," he says.

"Oh and he left because Peter stabbed him in the eye."




- Hector -



"WHAT?!" I yell. "Peter. Like Angie's dad Peter?"

"Yup" she says popping the 'p'.

Al and I exit the elevator and walk out of the building. We walk away from the compound and towards the train.

"Oh my god, that's insane!" I say as we run towards the train platform.

"Please don't stab me in the eye during our initiation." She says as we climb up the columns to get to the platform.

"I can't make any promises Al." I laugh and so does she.

"Hec? What time is it?" She asks; we've been waiting for a couple minutes and the train is usually here by now.

I glance at my watch, "5:24." I say.

"The train should be here any minute."

"'K," She says. I look at her. Her blonde hair is flowing back in the wind. Her cute, petite body slightly touching mine. Her perfect dark blue eyes sparkle. And her lips, her lips look so soft. Soft as cotton candy. I want to touch my lips to hers right now.

I'm snapped out of my reverie by the grumbling of the train. "Ready?" I call to Al as we start running.

"Yeah," She says. I run in front of her and grab the handle, sticking my foot in the little step hole. I press the button and swing in. A few seconds later, Al glides in, almost perfectly.

We sit with our feet dangling out of the train car, like we always do when we ride the trains.

"I hate this project," she mumbles resting her head on my shoulder.

"I do too," I say. I look down at her lips. Her eyes slowly flutter closed. I look at her; she leans on me so peacefully. Looking at her is unexplainable. She is so serene, the tranquility in the chaos. She is so beautiful.

As the train starts to get closer to the school, I wake up Al. "Hey, we gotta jump in a few minutes." I say.

She sits up and stretches. "Um kay," she yawns, still waking up.

I stand up and help her up. We walk to back of the car.

"Let's go!" I yell and sprint out of the train and jump.

I roll onto the grass and turn around to see Al running from the train. She has always been so good at jumping out of the cars. She doesn't even have to roll, like most people do.

We walk over to the front doors and see Brian, Jacob and Jenna sitting there.

"Hey," I say to the three of them and taking a seat next to Jacob. Al plops down next to me. She rubs her eyes and yawns.

"I can't believe you guys jump out of a train everyday and act like it's no big deal," Jacob says, looking at me and Al in awe.

"It's no biggie," Al yawns.

Brian laughs, "No biggie? You just jumped out of a speeding train."

"Like Jacob said," I say, "we do it everyday."

Jenna is about to say something when there is a honk from behind me. I look over my shoulder and see Lani in an old pickup truck. We all walk over. Jacob gets in shotgun and the rest of us pile in the back of the pickup.

I look over at Jenna and she is sitting, holding her long skirt so it doesn't fly up. Stiffs are so modest. I feel Al rests her head on my shoulder. I look down and her eyes are closed. She looks so innocent when she is sleeping.

"It feels like we are on the train," she mumbles, only loud enough so that I can hear.

"Yeah it does," I whisper. I look at the front of the pickup and see we are almost at the edge of the city. I gulp. I've never been outside the city before. I know there are amity farms out there but what is beyond them? Beyond the fence?

I hear a giggle and look over and see Jenna and Brian whispering.

"Are you guys like dating?" Jenna asks and Al's head immediately lifts off my shoulder.

"What?" Al laughs, "No way. Hector is like my best friend. We are just friends."

My heart shatters into a million pieces from those last four words, we are just friends. I wish we were more.

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