Chapter 9

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- Al -



As soon as I got home, I went straight to my room. I laid in bed for probably 30 seconds before I fell asleep.

I wake up to a knock on my door. "Al, c'mon we have to meet Brian in front of the school in ten minutes," Hector calls from behind my door.

"Coming!" I yell, and get up. I brush my hair and grab my bag. I open the door and run past Hector to the bathroom. I quickly brush my teeth and grab a piece of mint gum.

I run out and Hector is in the elevator, holding it open with his arm. I run into the elevator and push the button. Hector pulls his arm back in and we run out as soon as we reach the lobby.

We get up to where the train comes and we start to run with the train. Once we hop on I lay down, resting my head on my bag.

We sit in silence for a while and I think to myself. Why am I so nervous to go to erudite? I have a gut feeling this is not going to end up well. I hope I'm wrong.

"Al we have to jump in a minute," Hector says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"'Kay," I say, and he laughs, "What?" I ask, "Why are you laughing?"

"You're just funny," he says, with that smile on his face.

"C'mon," I say, ignoring his reply, "Let's go."

We jump off the train and Hector rolls down the hill. I miraculously land on my feet and start running towards Brian, Lani, Jenna and Jacob.

"Hey," I say as Hector and I get closer.

"Hey," they say back. I look at them. Lani had her typical amity smile on her face, but the rest of them look rather dull. Jenna and Jacob both have an expressionless look on their face and Brian looks angry.

"You are late," Brian says to me and Hector, in his annoying erudite tone, but his eyes stay on me.

"Sorry," I say, and Brian rolls his eyes.

"Look man," Hector says defensively, "We can't control the damn trains so it's not our fault." Hector doesn't usually get this mad. We all stare at him, and he realizes that he went a little overboard. "Sorry. I didn't mean that," he says, looking ashamed.

"It's fine," Brian says, "Let's go."

We hop into a nice car being driven by Brian's older sister.

"Hi everyone," his sister says, "My name is Madison." Madison is tall, and she has glasses and long brown hair.

"I'm Lani," Lani says.

"Jenna," says Jenna.

"Jacob," Jacob says.

"I'm Hector," says Hector.

"Al," I say.

"Al?" Madison asks, "Isn't Al a boy's name?"

"Yeah. It is," I say, rolling my eyes even though she can't see them.

We sit in silence until we reach their house. Once we do, my jaw drops. It is an all white house, with a futuristic look to it. I look at the others, and I'm not the only one amazed. Hector and Lani bother have their eyes wide and Jacob and Jenna have their mouths open.

We walk inside to see the house. Mrs. Prior is cooking something, most likely our dinner, and Madison goes over to the couch and sits down to read a book. Brian takes us on a tour of the house and we visit the library they have and the study and the lab room, where Mr. Prior does a lot of his work.

We head back to the kitchen as I hear the front door open. Mr. Prior stands there in his blue suit and smiles at us. His expression suddenly drops when he sees me. His eyes wide. And his mouth hangs open. Everyone is looking from him to me. Mr. Prior only says one thing.





Sorry for the short chapter. I just thought this would be a really good place to end it.

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