Chapter 26

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- Al -



When I help Maci off the mat, we walk to the hospital, just to check her up. Thank god because I really don't want to see Tommy fight Jordan, and I don't think Maci wanted to see it either, but mainly, I don't want to see Claire fight Jo. Jo is stronger, but Claire is more nimble. I don't know who will win.

I drop off Maci, and go back to the training room.



After a long day of fighting, we finally see the rankings. We gather around the board, and I stand near the back. My height acts as a disadvantage, and I have to push my way through the crowd of eight other people to see the ranks.

1. Jo

2. Kevin

3. Al

4. Tommy

5. Hector

6. Claire

7. Jordan

8. Maci

9. Jenna

"You went up five spaces in the ranks!" Jo whispers in my ear.

I can't believe it. In the first rankings, I was in eighth place, and now I'm in third. Jenna is of corse still at the bottom, because she only fought once.

Hector, who went down four spaces in the ranks comes over to me. "Congrats Al!" he says, with a huge, but fake, smile across his face.

"Thanks Hec," I say, "and don't worry, we still have another fight, the rest of stage one and all of stage two to make it to the top."

"Yeah, thanks Al," he says, and pulls me into a hug.

We hug for what feels like five minutes, but I don't want to pull away, but I have to when I hear someone clear their throat

When Hector and I pull away, Kevin stands their, with his arms crossed.

"We were all wanting to go over to the tattoo parlor, and we wanted to see if you wanted to come, Al." Kevin says, and Hector shoots him a glare. "You can come too Hector, if you want."

"We would love to come," I say, speaking for Hector and I both.

Kevin and Hector both give each other death stares, and I awkwardly stand there.

"Let's go," I say, to break the tension.

When we get to the tattoo parlor, everyone else is already there. George is working tonight, but it should be my mom.

"What would everyone like?" George asks.

"Can I get...." Jo starts, then glances around the room. Her eyes light up when she sees the one she wants. "this one."

She holds a template, the template Amar used on his back, covered in designs that look like vines.

"Yeah, where do you want it?" George asks.

"On my bicep." Jo says.

Then, when Jo is done, Jenna walks in. We all stare at her, she looks gorgeous. She probably used some of my make up, and borrowed an outfit from Claire.

George turns around, and his eyes widen when he sees her. She smiles, probably embarrassed from all the attention.

"I'm George," George says, and he holds out his hand.

Jenna politely shakes it, and says, "Jenna."

George stares at her, and continues to shake her hand. After a minute of George's day dream, and Jenna's confusion, Kevin clears his throat. George snaps out of his day dream.

George looks away, embarrassed, and Jenna walks over to us. We all look at her, but she is still confused.

"What?" she asks.

"He sooooo likes you," Maci says.

"He does not." Jenna says.

"He does too," Claire says.

We laugh, and Jenna rolls her eyes. "I mean, George is hot, go for it." Jo says.

"But, I don't know. A guy has never liked me before." she says, and all eyes turn to me.

"What?" I ask.

"Seriously?" Jo asks, and I look at her, still confused. "Every guy, like ever, has always liked you."

"What do you do?" Claire asks.

"Well," I say, trying to think, "I just kinda act like they don't like me, I guess it just kinda makes them like you more." They all start laughing, and I say, "I don't know. I'll talk to George for you."

Jenna smiles, and then she goes to pick out a tattoo.



After everyone gets a tattoo, except Maci and me, we go back to the sleeping area. We all get changed, and I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.



- Hector -



I wake up, pumped and ready to fight. I don't know, or care, who I am fighting today, but I have to win. I can't be near the bottom when we start knife throwing and shooting. I have a a good shot, but I am not very good at throwing knives.

After a shower and breakfast, we all stand in the training room, around Tris, George, Eric, Tori and Four. They are all observing the fight today.

Tris reads the list in her head, and she looks nervous. I don't even want to know which fight she just read.

I look over at Al, and she winks at me. She is so pretty, even when she doesn't try to be. Her blonde hair is in a long side braid, and she wears no make up.

My thoughts about Al stop when I realize I am not the only one staring at her. Tommy and Kevin stare at her too, but Al doesn't notice.

"First fight," Tris starts, "Hector and Jenna."

Those words play in my head. I can't fight Jenna. I can't hurt her, but I have to. I have to do everything I can to make it to the top.

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