Chapter 37

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- Al -



"You're a coward!" I yell. "Why would you do that?"

Kevin looks at me, "Why what?"

"You know Kevin," I say, and Claire walks into the dorm room, holding hands with Jordan.

They walk in, both with surprised looks on their faces. "What's going on? Al I thought you were with Hector?"

"I was," I say, "until Hector told me who did it, Claire."

"It was you?" Claire says, turning to Kevin.

Jordan looks back and forth from us to Kevin, with a confused look on his face, "What's going on?"

"You know how everyone thinks that Hector jumped off the chasm?" I say and Jordan nods his head, "Well, he didn't," Jordan looks even more puzzled, "Kevin pushed him."

I glance over my shoulder to look at the person who tried to kill Hector, but he's not in the room, the door is wide open, and Kevin is gone.



"Al, shhh, it's okay." Jo says, as she rubs my back.

I sit on my bed in the dorm room, sobbing my eyes out. I didn't have the energy to go after him myself. Jordan and Tommy, who was on his way to the dorm when Kevin rushed out, went after him.

"Your dad is going to freak when they find out what Kevin did, okay?" Maci says.

Claire sits next to me, "He might even get kick out of initiation," she says.

"I don't want him gone, I want him to see Hector everyday, to show him that he shouldn't have done what he did. I want to make him regret what he tried to do every minute of the rest of his life." I say.

"Okay, a little extreme, but that works too," Jenna says.

I wipe tears from my eyes. I have to be strong, not only for me, but for Hector too.



- Hector -



There is a knock on my door, and I look up, "Come in."

"Hector, before you say anything, I want you to know, I'm sorry." Kevin says.

"Kevin, I can't-" I say, but he interrupts me.

"I shouldn't have done that," He says, "I was driven by jealousy, and I wish I could take it back. I'd give anything to take it back. I want you to know that I want to try to make everything better between us. I see how happy Al is with you, and I shouldn't have tried to take you away from her. I'm sorry."

I look at him, and I can see that he really is sorry, "I don't accept your apology, it will take some time, but I will be able to forgive you eventually."

"Thank you," Kevin says, and I can tell that a wave of relief floods over him.

He leaves without another word, and I drift to sleep.



- Al -



"Your dad wasn't there, so I told Ethan." Jo says as she walks into the room with Maci on her heels, "He did not care at all, probably because he's still pissed that James transfered to candor."

"So we'll just find your dad and tell-" Maci starts, but I interrupt her.

"Guys, the dauntless don't really punish people like that. Peter, Angie's dad, stabbed a guy in the eye during my mom's initiation, and he got out unharmed." I say. Claire's mouth falls open, and Jo looks like she is going to puke.

"But your dad would do something, I mean it's Hector." Jenna says.

"I still don't want-" I say, but I stop when the door flies open. I turn, and see the one person I didn't want to see, Kevin.

"Al," he says, "can I talk to you?" He looks at the other girls in the room, "Alone."

"No way Kevin," Jo says.

Jenna says, "Not a chance."

"Please, I just-" Kevin says.

"It's fine," I say, and everyone looks at me with a shocked expression, even Kevin.

"Al, we are not going to leave you here alone, with him," Claire says, shooting a murderous glare at Kevin.

"I'll be fine," I say, "I promise."

Jo looks at me as if saying, I will be outside waiting to kick his butt. Once they leave, I look back to Kevin.

"I talked to Hector," he says. "And he said that soon he would forgive me for what I did to him, and to you. I'm sorry Al, I really am."

"Why?" I ask, "Why'd you do it?"

"I, I was just so jealous, and I didn't know what to do." He says, and I can see that he is truely sorry. "Back home, every girl loved me, and I didn't have to do anything to get them to fall for me. But with you, it was completely different. I couldn't stay away from you, you were all I could think about. I pictured a future for you and I, us falling in love, but you never would, you were in love with someone else. I drove me insane seeing you with him. I just thought to myself, what did he have that I didn't? I found out the answer, you."

I look at him, and I can see how sad he is, how much he regrets what he did.

"Kevin, I don't know what to say, I-" I say, but Kevin stops me by colliding his lips to mine. I am stuck between Kevin and the wall, unable to move, barely even able to think. One of his hands cup my cheek, and the other is on my waist. Before I can push him away, he pulls away, and his hands drop from my waist and face.

"I had to do that, at least once." He says, and walks out of the room.



AN: OMG!!! Thank you all so much for 11.68k reads! I cant believe it!!! You guys are amazing!

Right now, I am on vacation in New York, and I won't get back untill July 8th, so there may not be a lot of updates untill then, but I will try my best.

I also know that a lot of you are probably wondering what happened to initiation, but it will be back next chapter, so no worries!

Thanks again!

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