Chapter 29

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- Al -



"Okay, what's the plan?" George asks once all of Amar's team is out of the train.

"We have to try to hide the flag in a high area, so they can't easily get it." Tommy says.

"But then, it will be easily seen, so we have to hide it lower to the ground." Jo says.

"I think we should hide it somewhere that is hard to reach," I say.

"Where?" Tommy asks.

"I think," I say, "the Ferris Wheel."

"How are we going to get the flag up there?" One of the older dauntless members asks.

"We climb it, of course," I say, and they all look at me like I'm crazy.

We all hop off the train, and then we head towards the huge wheel in the distance. Once we get closer, we stop for a minute and the teams are divided. Of course, there are arguments over who goes where, but I grab the flag, and walk towards the Ferris Wheel.

"Al!" I hear someone call. For a second, I think it's Hector, but then I realize he is on the other side of the park. I turn around, and it's Tommy who stands behind me.

"You want to come with?" I ask, and he nods.

I walk up to the huge wheel that towers over me, and I reach my hand out to touch the cold metal bars. I start to make my climb up to the top. I hear Tommy climb on the bars.

After a few minutes of climbing, Tommy says, "Al, I think this is high enough."

"No way, we have to go higher," I say, and Tommy groans.

"Your afraid of heights, aren't you?" I ask.

"Everyone's afraid of something, except for you." He says, and I laugh. "What? You know its true, tell me something you're afraid of."

I think, but I can't think of something I am afraid of.

"See, my point exactly you are fearless." He says, and I blush.

Tommy is really nice, not the typical bad boy he was always thought of. He is actually really funny, not the jerk I always thought he was. Not to mention, he is very attractive.

What am I thinking? I'm with Hector, not Tommy, I can't help but think about the way Tommy is somehow so sweet.

"Al, let's put the flag here," Tommy says, and I look out to see how high up we are.

"Yeah, this is good." I say, not looking at Tommy, but at the damaged skyline of our city. From this spot right here, I can see beyond the fence. If only it wasn't so dark out.

"Al?" Tommy asks, and I see what he is looking at. There is a green glow coming from a tree on the other side of the park.

"Their flag," I mutter, and he nods.

We quickly make it down the ladder, and come back to the group of people waiting at the bottom of the ladder.

"We know where it is, their flag." Tommy says.

"Let's go!" Jo says, and we run towards the tree.

We slow our pace, and raise our paintball guns when we get closer.

"IT'S THEM!!" Someone from Amar's team yells.

Paint balls fly through the air, and I try to dodge them as I make my way towards the tree with Jo and Tommy.

I hear a grunt, and Tommy falls to the ground, covered in blood, wait, no, red paint.

I fire at whoever hit Tommy, and they fall to the ground. Jo and I stand alone and we run over to the tree. She gives me a boost up, and I climb through the tree branches until I reach the very top. I grab the glowing green flag, and climb down a few branches before jumping down.

"AL HAS THE FLAG!!!" Jo screams, and there are cheers from my team, and sighs from Amar's.

As we walk back to the train, arms are wrapped around my waist, and a hand covers my mouth to keep in the scream.

"Good job today," Hector whispers in my ear and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks Hec," I say, and give him a quick kiss on the lips.

I hop in the train, and sit on the edge with Amar.

"You should have picked me to be on your team," I tell him, and he gives me a nudge.

"Well," Amar says, "I don't like having stubborn people on my team." I roll my eyes, and he just laughs.

"Stubborn?" I ask, "Like you can call me stubborn."

Amar rolls his eyes, and I laugh.

"So, what about you and Hector?" He asks.

"I guess you could say we're kind of dating," I say, and he laughs again.

"Kind of dating?" He laughs.

"Well, I mean, we haven't really gone on a date," I say.

"Well, so not dating, just hooking up?" Amar says, in a disgusted tone.

"No!" I say, "I don't want to talk about this with you right now."

He stands up, shaking his head, and walks over to George, and I stare at the damaged, yet beautiful, skyline again.



When we get back to the compound, George and Amar talk to Mom, Dad, Ethan, and Tori. Ethan walks over to the board, and turns it around so we can't see it. They start rearranging names, and Jo whispers in my ear.

"What happened with you and Tommy when you were on the Ferris Wheel?" She asks.

"Nothing," I lie.

Just before Jo is about to call me out, Ethan turns the board around, and my mouth drops when I see my name in first.

1. Al

2. Jo

3. Tommy

4. Hector

5. Kevin

6. Claire

7. Jordan

8. Jenna

9. Maci

We all clap, and Mom and Tori walk over to me, both tightly embracing me.

"Congrats Al!" Tori says.

They start talking, but I tune it out, and walk over to Hector, who is sitting alone on a bench in the corner, with a sad look on his face.

As soon as he sees me, his expression lights up.I walk over, and he pats his lap for me to sit, and I do.

"How are you doing Hec?" I ask.

"Okay," he says, "I'm just gald that you got first."

"Thanks Hec," I say, and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Al," he says, and I look at him, "Al, I love you."

Resurgent: A Divergent Story//editingМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя