Chapter 17

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- Al -



Hector's soft lips collide with mine, and sparks fly. The feeling of his lips against my own is a sensation that I have never experienced before. The slight pressure of him pressing against my lips is something I never want to end. Time seems to stop, and I put my arms around his soulders. His hands move to my waist, and the train starts to slow, meaning that we are approaching the school. I can feel a smile creep across his face, while he kisses me. I smile too, then we both start laughing. I pull away, and he does the same. I realize that everyone went to the other car to jump. We stand up, and I jump first, followed by Hector.

We walk towards the dauntless entrance. Hector reaches for my hand. Our fingers intertwine as we walk into Mrs. Johnson's room. We recieve stares from many of the people in the room, but mainly from the stiffs.

We walk to the back of the room where we usually sit, and James and Tommy give us stares, but the girls are all stifling smiles and giggles. I glance back at Tommy, but he looks at Hector, with jealousy flooding his eyes. I push that thought away from my mind, and I sit next to Jo. Hector sits on my other side and smiles at me, then turns to talk to the guys.

I turn towards the girls, and they all look at me in awe.

"Oh," Claire says.

"My," Angie says.

"God!" Jo squeals.

I smile and then Mrs. Johnson says, "Quiet down, everyone. We are about to get started."

Then I realize, the test is today. What if I'm not dauntless? What would happen? Would I ever see my family or friends again?

"You will be put into three groups, where you will be sent to the testing rooms, where a test administrator will give you the test. I will read the groups now." She reads off the first list and there are a bunch of names I don't recognize. then she says, "Hector Pedrad, Tommy Pedrad, and Al Eaton," We get up and walk to the front of the room to wait for the rest of the group. Once they are all here, we head down to the basement, where the test is held. We walk down what feels like a thousand flights of stairs until we enter a room with long benches.

We sit, and Hector puts his arm around me. He is about to tell me something, but he stops when the abnegation volunteer calls his name and a few others. He gets up and smiles, and I smile back.

As soon as Hector turns the corner, Tommy looks over at me. The look on his face is an expression I never thought I would see on him.

"Al," he says, in a tone I've never heard in his voice "I need to tell you something."

"What?" I ask.

"Al, I like you. I really like you. Like more than just friends. I always have, and always will," he says.

I look at him in disbelief. I don't have any words to say. "Tommy, I, I don't know what to say. I-" I say, but get interrupted by the abnegation man calling my name. I stand up and walk over to him, relieved to get out of that situation.

"Are you okay dear?" he asks.

"What?" I ask, and wipe my eyes, which I didn't realize were filled with tears. "I'm fine."

"Okay. Third door on the right." he says, and I walk through the hall.

I go to the door that the man told man told me to go to. I enter, and see an abnegation man standing by the computer. I sit down and try to wipe all the mascara off my face.

"Hello, my name is Marcus, I will be giving you the test. What is your name?" he says, still looking at his computer.

"Al Eaton," I say.

His fingers stop tapping the keys on the computer. "Eaton?" he says.

He turns around, and I gasp. My grandfather stands there, staring at me.

Resurgent: A Divergent Story//editingWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt