Chapter 10

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- Al -



"Beatrice?" Mr. Prior says.

We all give him a puzzled look. "Um, Dad, that's Allie," Madison says.

Mr. Prior still stares at me, in awe. The name Beatrice runs through my head. Beatrice. Beatrice. BeaTris.

"It's Al, and Beatrice is my mother," I say, causing everyone's eyes to turn to me. Hector is about to say something, but I say, "but she goes by Tris now."

"Tris?" Mr. Prior says. I nod my head. He nods his head too.

"Who is this Beatrice/Tris lady?" Brian asks.

"She's my sister," Mr. Prior says.

I gulp, "And my mother."

"So that means," Brian starts.

"We are cousins?" Madison says.

Mr. Prior nods his head. He looks at the confused Mrs. Prior and she fakes a small smile.

"So you are from abnegation, too?" I ask Mr. Prior. Once again, the whole Prior family is staring at me.

"How'd you-" starts Mr. Prior.

"I know my mom is from abnegation. And so is my Dad." I say.

"Whose your father?" Mr. Prior asks worriedly.

"Four Eaton," I say.

"Eaton?" Mr. Prior says again, "Like Marcus Eaton?" I nod my head and he looks at me in a dumbstruck way, rare for an erudite. "But Four isn't an abnegation name," he says, "What's his real name?"

"Um... I don't-" I say, but I'm interrupted by Hector.

"His real name is Tobias." Hector says, causing all eyes to turn to him.

"How'd you know-" I start, but my memories stop my question.

"Where are you going?" mom asks, as she forms a meatball.

"Amity for a project." I say, grabbing my bag.

"What?!" she says throwing the meatball in her hand

"Hey." dad says, defensively. "You got meatball on my favorite shirt."

"Don't you have twenty shirts just like that?" mom asks dad.

"Maybe." he says he goes to give her a hug.

"No. No Tobias..." she says as he gets meatball all over her.

"Tobias?" Hector and I say in sync.

"Umm... we'll talk about that later" mom says.

"Tobias Eaton is your father!?" Mr. Prior yells. 

Everyone stares at him, but he stares at me, as tears fill my eyes.

Hector puts his arm around me, "Let's go Al," and he brings me towards the door.

"Wait. No. You'll fail if you don't stay for dinner," Brian says, putting himself between us and the door.

"I don't give a damn," Hector says, pushing Brian out of the way, "And I'll be sure to include why we had to leave so early in my paper," Hector says cooly.

Tears are running down my face, smearing my makeup. Hector and I are walking through erudite, having no clue where we are.

"Hey!" Hector yells at a person standing on the sidewalk we are on. "How do you get to the train?"

The man rolls his eyes. He says something, that I can't hear over my sobbing, but Hector can.

"Thanks man," Hector says and we walk again. We walk in silence for a while, Hector's arm still around my shoulder. After what feels like an hour, we reach the train tracks. We sit on the edge of the platform until we hear the roaring of the train. Hector gets in first, like usual, then I stumble in after him, less graceful then my usual entering.

The train ride home is completely silent, except for my sniffles.

Once we reach the compound, we jump. We make our way through the compound, and into our apartment building. The elevator ride is just like the train ride, silent. When we reach the top floor, my apartment, we walk in to see Mom and Dad having dinner.

"Hey guys!" Mom says when she realizes we are there. "Why are you home so early?" she asks, still looking at her dinner. She looks up and sees my puffy eyes and smeared mascara. "Al, honey, what's wrong?"

Hector and I sit down and Hector tells them what happened. My parents look from him to me and then I notice there is a tear steaming down Mom's face.

Once Hector finishes, Dad says, "Thanks for bringing her home, Hec. I think you should get going. We need to talk to Al."

Hector nods his head, smiles to me and then heads towards the elevator.

Both of them lean in and hug me. "Dad?" I ask, "Why are you called Four?"

"I have four fears. And when I came to dauntless, Amar, my instructor, decided to call me Four, so I could erase my abnegation self and start over as dauntless." He says.

"What are your fears?" I ask.

"I'm afraid of heights, being in confined spaces, hurting my family, and my father." He says. I look at him and he's smiling.

"Wait. Your afraid if heights, and we live on the top floor?" I ask.

"Your mom wanted this floor," he says, smiling at Mom.

"Well, I think it's time for bed. You have school in the morning, and your group is coming here tomorrow night." Mom says. She gives me a kiss on the cheek and so does Dad and I heard to my room. As soon as my head touches the pillow, I fall into sleep.

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