Chapter 34

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- Hector -



I feel a sharp prick in my arm, and for the first time in what feels like forever, my eyes finally open, revealing a pale hospital room. I see a nurse putting a needle in my arm, and I try to speak, but only a groan comes out of my mouth.

"You're awake?"

I let out a slight groan, and the young nurse looks at me with a shocked expression on her face. She runs out of the room and calls for a doctor. Less than a minute later, three nurses and a doctor come in. They all start rapidly doing things. One is typing on the small computer, and another is fidgeting with all the tubes and wires that are hooking me up to the machines. The last nurse hovering over me, and is using a flashlight to look into my eyes.

Once all the nurses are done with all the things they were doing, the doctor turns to me. "Hi Hector, how are you feeling?"

I try to speak, but only a small mumble escapes my lips.

"Don't worry, it's normal for it to be difficult speak right after waking up from this much of a trauma," he says.

Instead of trying to talk again, I nod my head.

"Al?" I try to say, but it comes out more as a mumble.

"Al Eaton? She left about an hour ago sweetie, she looked awful spooked," the nurse says.

I nod my head, and the room seems to spin, then all I see is darkness.



- Al -



"What are we going to do?" Brian asks me and runs his fingers through his hair.

"I dunno, aren't you supposed to be the smart one?" I ask and take in a long breath.

"Technically, we both have full aptitude for all the factions, so you are just as smart-" he says, but I interrupt him.

"Could you stop for one second and listen?" I say.

"Al, we can't take that test, they will find out about us," Brian says.

"I know, we have to get out, Brian, we can't just sit here and wait-" I say.

"Where are we gonna go?" Brian interrupts, "We can't hide in a faction or with the factionless. We can't go out of the fence, there's nothing there and we wouldn't even be able to make it over the fence. It is impossible."

"We can't just let them get to us Brian. Initiation will be over in two weeks, and when do we take the test thing? Can I take this?" I say, referring to a book on the table.

"Sure, and I'll check, but Al, you have to be careful," he says.

"I'll see you soon cous'." I say, and walk out the room.

I walk down the hall that I came from and walk past the front desk, where I see my other cousin, now with her nose in a book. I try to walk by without her knowing, but of course, I drop the one thing in my hand, the book I had to pick up in the computer lab.

I bend down and pick it up, trying not to draw attention from Madison.

"Allie!" She calls. I take in a breath and turn to her. "Why are you leaving so soon?"

"I have to get back to the compund before training," I lie, "and for crying out loud, my name Al, not Allie."

I walk out of the erudite building before Madison can say anything, and hop on the train to get back to the dauntless compound. Once I get back to dauntless, I go straight to the hospital. I've probably been gone for a little less than an hour, so I bet Jo will be in the waiting room or in Hector's room. I walk through the little waiting area, and strangely, it is empty. There is no one at the front desk, so I just walk towards Hector's room.

"Al!" I hear a voice from behind me, and it is Rachel, the "nurse". She is only 14, but works here because she is crazy good with all the medical stuff. She's one of Nat's friends, I think.

"Hey Rachel, what's up?" I ask.

"Nothing," she smiles, "Oh wait! Hector woke up!"

Hector woke up.

Hector woke up.

Hector woke up.

I sprint to Hector's room, excited to see his smile and deep blue eyes, but when I barge through the door, he lays there, with his eyes closed, exactly like he was when I left.

"He's sleeping now though, not in a coma," Rachel says from behind me.

"Okay," I say, much more quietly than I meant to.

"He was asking for you though," she says.

I nod my head and sit down on the small chair beside his bed. "Where is everyone?"

"No clue. I went to the bathroom, and came back, and it was deserted." Rachel says.

I scooch closer to Hector's bed, and grab his hand. I plant a kiss on it, and grab the book I borrowed from Brian; Journals of the Erudite Leaders. I look at it, and there is a stamp on it; CLASSIFIED.I don't think Brian was supposed to give this to me, but I'm going to read it anyway.

I open the book, and the first chapter is called New Advances in Serum Technology: By Jeanine Matthews. That name rings a bell, I think she was the former erudite leader.

I start to read a journal entry from 18 years ago; I have recently discovered a new type of genetics disorder; Resurgence. This disorder is like Divergence, but the person has aptitude for all five of the factions. Somehow, this person can also block out pain, which could be used as a weapon against society. Only two people with Resurgent genes have been found, and we faked their deaths and performed many tests on them. Their names are George Wu and Amar (Last name unknown).

I drop the book on the ground out of shock, and it makes a loud thump.


I look up and see Hector wiping his eyes.

"Hec!" I squeal, and run over to him, and tightly hug him. He takes a sharp breath in, and I let go, "Sorry, I forgot." I give him a quick kiss on the lips, and then, I help him adjust his bed so he can sit up.

"What's that?" He asks me, pointing to the book on the floor.

"Nothing just a book," I say, and put it under my jacket on the chair so he can't see the title.

"Is it good?" He asks.

"I just started so I'm not sure," I ask, and he smiles. "What?"

"Nothing," he smiles again.

"Tell me," I say, and he smiles even more.

"You're beautiful," He says, and I can feel my cheeks turn bright red.

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