Chapter 33

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- Hector -



I hear footsteps in the room, but I can't open my eyes, "Can you tell Hana that Hector is taking visitors?"

I know that voice, Al, she is visiting me. Al I missed you. I try to say, but my lips won't move either. Then, the door shuts, and I have a feeling that I am alone. I breeze comes in through a window, sending a shiver down my spine.

After a little while, I hear voices. "He looks so frail." It's Hana, and just by the tone in her voice, I can tell she's crying.

"I just don't understand why he would jump," cries a girl, Jo I think, but it might be Claire.

Jump? Did she say I jumped into the chasm? Kevin didn't even admit that he tried to kill me? That bastard.

After a few minutes I hear footsteps going towards the door. "Get well soon Hec," Al says, and she plants a kiss on my forehead. Then she and the girls walk out of my room, leaving me alone again.



- Al -



I sit down in the cafeteria and take a long sip of coffee, the only thing I've been living on since Hector's accident. It has been two days since the incident, and the doctors are saying he should wake up soon. I want to see him so badly, but when I do, I will feel so guilty for all this, it was all my fault.

Lately, Kevin has been with me a lot, but whenever I say I am going to go visit Hector or even mention Hector's name, he gets really awkward, and gets a nervous look on his face. I tried to ignore it, but seriously? My best- I mean boyfriend is in a coma, and I need to talk about it, but he will try to always change the subject.

I close my eyes, and take another sip of my bitter coffee. "Hey Al," Jo says as she sits down next to me.

"Hey." I say, not in the mood to talk to anyone, not even Jo.

"Are you going to visit Hec soon?" She asks, and I nod.

"I'm actually going to go over now," I say.

"I'll meet you there, I'm going to get a coffee." She says, and I stand up and walk over to the hospital.

I walk to the front desk, and wave at Shauna before I go down the hall towards Hector's room.

I pull a seat next to him and take his hand in mine. "Hey Hec," I say, even though he can't hear me. "We all want you to wake up, and get better ASAP." I plant a kiss on his cheek and let go of his hand, and grab a newspaper from the table by him.

I read some junk about a new Amity initiate who created a way to quicken the growth of corn and a stupid article written about the Erudite leader. I skim the article, and I see a word I wish never existed; Resurgent.

I start to read the article to see what it's about. The leader of Erudite, Tristan Lynes, says the following about a new serum created; "The new serum I created, with the help of a few lab assistants, is an astonishing way to help with the aptitude tests, and will be required for all who have entered a faction in the past three years, including initiates this year. This serum gives a realistic test, similar to the aptitude test. It will be easier for the test administrator to find someone's true faction, or if they are Divergent or Resurgent. Remember, no one has been recorded either Divergent or Resurgent in the past five years, so there are no longer big threats to our faction system." If you are an initiate this year, or of the past three years, you are required to take this serum. Please report to the leader of your faction if you have any questions about this new requirement.

I reread the small article about the new serum. It will make it easier for them to find out I'm Resurgent. I plant a small kiss on Hector's forehead, and run out of the hospital, with the paper still in my hand.

I jump off the train once I near my destination, the Erudite compound. I open the doors, and many people stare at me. I try to ignore their obnoxiousness. I walk to the main desk, but the lady is busy talking on her phone. After about a minute, I wave my hand infront of her face, and she turns to me, with her fancy cellphone on her shoulder. I imediatly recognize the face of Madison, my cousin.

"Allie! So great to see you! What's up?" She says, with a huge smile on her face.

"It's Al," I say, annoyed by her peppiness at 10:30 in the morning.

"Oh, sorry, one sec." She says, and puts her phone back to her ear. "I got to go, yeah, I have to work. See you later." Once she puts the phone back on the desk, she turns to me in her fancy spinny chair, and says, "What's up Allie?"

"It's Al," I say, "and I was wondering where I could find Brian?"

"It's down the hall, room 202." She says, and picks up her phone. I walk away, and hear her call, "Bye Allie!"

I roll my eyes, then knock on the door of room 202, and open the door.

"Al?" Brian says, and looks up from his computer. The redhead sitting next to him looks up at me, and her mouth falls open when she sees me.

"Yeah, hey, I need to talk to you about something." I say, and he nods.

"Okay, well," I say then look at the scared ginger, "Could you like not be here right now?"

She looks at me with a scared expression, and then she runs out of the room.

"Why are you rudely yelling at my friend?" Brian asks.

I ignore his remark, and hand him the paper from the hospital. He takes it from my hand and I cross my arms. He reads it really fast, I can see his eyes darting back and forth.

"Al, do you know what this means?" He says.

"Yeah, someone's going to find out about us, and we'll be captured, tested on and killed," I say, and run my fingers through my hair.

"No," Brian says, and his eyes meet mine, "Much worse."

Resurgent: A Divergent Story//editingUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum