Chapter 16

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My house wasn't as bad as I expected. My Mom asked about Mr. Prior. Then we hung out in my room, and then they all left.

I head put of my room and grab a waffle. Mom, Nat, and Amar are sitting at the table.

"Morning sunshine," Amar says sarcastically.

"Hey," I say back.

"You ready?" Mom asks. I raise my eyebrows, as if saying, 'what for', "The aptitude test?" she says.

My jaw drops. "You forgot?" Amar says.

"Oh god, I got to go," I say.

"Bye," Nat says.

"Bye Nat, bye 'R, bye Mom, love you," I say, as I step in the elevator.

I stand in silence, the Hector walks in, looking sloppy.

"You forgot, too?" I ask and he nods his head while fixing his hair.

"Here it's sticking up," I say and stand on my tiptoes. I run my fingers through his dark hair and look into his dreamy blue eyes. he stares back into mine. Time seems to stop. My eyes flutter closed and he leans in. Our lips are inches apart when the elevator dings and Tommy walks in.

Tommy gives us a whistle and I pull away from Hector. He removes his hands from my waist, which I didn't realize was there. Tommy rolls his eyes and I just look at my feet, too embarrassed to do anything else. 



Once we get on the train, I stand in the back with Angie, Jo, and Claire, not in my usual spot with Hector. We usually dangle our feet out the train and I lean on his shoulder, but not today.

"Okay, what's going on between you and Hector?" Jo asks.

"Yeah, did you get in a fight or something?" Claire asks.

"Worse," I say.

"What happened?" Angie says in a loud whisper.

"We almost kissed," I say.

"What?!" Jo says, in a very loud whisper.

"Details," Claire says.

I roll my eyes, "Well, he came into the elevator, looking like a hot mess. Then I asked him if he forgot too, which he did. Then, he started fixing his hair, but it wouldn't stay flat, so I stood on my tiptoes and started brushing it. Then he put his hands on my waist and-" I say, but pause when I hear Tommy coming from behind me.

"Telling about your almost make out secession in the elevator?" he asks, with a smirk on his face.

"That's none of your business, Thomas," I say, angering him.

He tries to say something, but he stops and walks away. I turn back to the girls, and they stand there, all staring at me.

"Continue!" Angie says.

"Okay, um...," I say, trying to remember where I left off.

"His hands were on your hips," Claire says.

"Oh yeah," I say, "Then I closed my eyes, and he leaned in. We were inches apart, but then Tommy walked in, whistled and laughed. Then I pulled away, and I haven't talked, or even looked, at Hector since."

"You are so going to get married," Jo says.

"What? No way, he's my best friend." I say.

"Who you almost kissed," Claire says.

"Yeah, almost," I say.

"Whatever," Angie says.

"Hey, I thought I was your best friend," Jo says, in a fake disappointed tone.

I roll my eyes, "Who says I can't have multiple best friends?"

She laughs, and Claire says, "Go talk to Hector." They all wave their hands for me to go. I walk over and sit down next to him. He looks at me and smiles, making my insides melt.

"Hey," I awkwardly say.

"Hey," he says back.

"So. About before, I-" I start, but I'm interrupted by him crashing his lips into mine.

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