🥀chapter twenty-one🥀

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Photo: Danny and Victoria

I woke up cuddled up in bens side. I know I'm going to regret this. I mean I love him but you know when you get one of those feeling where something bads gonna happen well this is the feeling I have. I went to get out of bed to have a shower but bens grip tightened around me making sure I couldn't move.

"Just five more minutes" he asked still half asleep.

It wasn't long until we where both asleep still fully naked. Not worrying about anything.

I was re woken up by the sound of the front door opening. I began panicking not knowing who had a key to the house I knew if it was Danny or anyone like that it wouldn't be two bad but yet again me and Ben are both in bed naked so we probably won't stop hearing about it I began waking up ben as I heard the footsteps approaching.

"Ben. Somebody's here" I said causing him to shoot up.

"Who" he whispered.

"I don't know" I whispered back and just like that someone came bursting throw the door

"Hey BA...." a women said. She was very pretty but she immediately paused when she spotted me

"Sam it's not what it looks like I swear." Ben said grabbing his boxers from the floor and slipping them on.

"So what is it ben because it looks like your cheating on me with some slut" she yelled at him causing me to realise  what was happening  she ran out of the room in tears followed by Ben.

I quickly got up and got dressed panicking who the fuck is she. As I continued thinking it hit me that it was his wife he told me he was in the edge of divorce. I can't exactly be mad he did tell me.

Once I was dressed I walked downstairs to where him and sam where arguing. She was throwing shit at him and he was screaming at her

"Would you both shut up and sit down" I yelled causing them both to look at me one in shock and the other in disgust

"And why should I listen to you your just another slut that's had a taste of Benjamin Paul bruce" she said getting into my face.

"You should listen to me because I've been in your persition before with the exact same guy difference is I was only his girlfriend your his wife" and with that she quickly punched me in the ribs causing me to fall to the ground trying to catch my breath

"Sam! She has broken ribs you idiot" ben yelled rushing to my side and helping me get in the sofa

"I don't care she slept with you. Your mine ben mine not hers" Sam cried out

"Last time I checked you wanted a divorce" he yelled back.

Not long after he said that both Danny and Victoria came walking through the front door Victoria rushed to me noticing that I was struggling to breath while Danny got sam into the back garden.

"Hey boo" she said smiling at me causing me to laugh a little

"Don't make me laugh it hurts" I giggled out

"Tough bitch it what I'm good at, now ben tell me why my lovely best friend is dealing with your wife's bullshit" Victoria said sounding really serious.

"It's a long story" ben sighed sitting down on the other side of me.

"I have time" just as Victoria said that Danny came through the back door.

"Hey lyric how you feeling" he said popping his head through the door

"Better now I can breath" I said smiling

"Cool can I borrow you then" he asked, for fuck sake why does bad shit always come my way

"I guess, she's not gonna hit me again is she" I asked a little more weary this time

Danny just nodded and signaled for me to come with him. When we got outside I saw Samantha sat on the small brick wall at the end of the garden with her head buried in her hands.

Me and Danny began approaching her. Danny stop following me and kept at a distance so he couldn't hear us but see if anything kicked off.

"Hey, listen I'm sorry I completely forgot he was married I hope there's no hard feelings and you two can work this out" I said sitting next to her

"It's okay I'm sorry for hitting you. It sounds stupid I came here in hope I could change my mind about the divorce I have the papers with me. I began gaining hope until you came back into his life, he still loves you Lyric" Samatha said to me.

As she said that it clicked in my head I hadn't told her my name I mean Danny could of or ben but this Samatha is THE Samatha from high school. FUCK!

"He doesn't still love me sam the first time we went out was a bet and you and me both know that I mean you where there and now he was only doing it because people do that during break ups" I said trying to reassure her.

"It's not true Lyric, when ever we message or anything it's lyric this lyric that me and Ben stop loving each other a while back and it was stupid to react like I did, I'm sorry" she sighed standing up and walking away

Surely what's she's saying can't be true why would he like me never mind love me. Where friends right? Last night was just one thing.

I finally stood up and walked up to Danny who began following me into the house I saw ben and sam hugging before she left the house leaving ben with what I imagine are the divorce papers.

"You alright ben do you need me to stay." Danny asked ben while giving a man hug

"This was gonna happen sooner or later I'm just glad it's over with now you two go" ben said smiling and signaling for Danny and Victoria to leave

"Hang on o have to do something" Danny asked "Lyric buddy I know we don't get in two well but you see I've met this really pretty lady and she seems to be your best friend and I was wondering if she could be my girlfriend" Danny said causing Victoria to look shocked

"Yes!" I semmy screamed

"You heard it hear first Victoria will you be my girlfriend" Danny asked Victoria who just jumped Into his arms and with that they both left

"Ben what do you think of a lazy day" I asked him while he sat himself back on the sofa

"Can you go home to please" he said to me quiet rudely

"Uhh sure let me grab my stuff" I hate to admit it but that kinda hurt my feelings I know we arnt a thing or owt but I was getting used to being with him again

I walked upstairs and began packing my stuff into a suitcase and ordered myself a taxi while doing so. Great I get to be alone yet again. Once I was done I slowly pulled the suitcase downstairs making sure not to damage anything

"Lyric? Can you not come back or call me for a while either" ben said not even looking at me he had a slightly disgusted tone to his voice aswell
Well Great now I feel even worse then I did before. Is he mad at me or something.

"Sure whatever you want but same goes for you then thanks for looking after me while I was ill goodbye" I said making sure to let him know I'm pissed of as I left his house slamming the door behind me

Soon enough the taxi pulled up and hopped in and gave the my address. Once they had pulled up I payed them and grabbed my keys and unlocked my door. Nothing had changed.

I turned my tv on and decided to call sam to see if he felt like coming from over for a bit, he agreed and soon enough he was at mine letting me cuddle up into him while we watched films

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