🥀Chapter five 🥀

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The next day

I woke up not sure in where I was all I knew was that I went to a party with Sam. I clutched my head in pain from hangover. I guess I drank I bit to much. As I went to stand up I noticed my clothes where no longer on my body. I looked to my right to see Benjamin Paul bruce sleeping with no clothes on. Shit!shit! Fuck!

I quickly jumped up and ran around finding my clothes trying to be as silent as possible.

"Morning love" ben said sitting up.

"Please tell me this isn't what it looks like" I said pulling my clothes from last night onto my body.

"I don't remember but I don't randomly sleep naked with a naked chic without doing owt when I'm drunk, so I believe it is what it looks like" ben said looking like he had accomplished something.

"Please tell me this is some sort of prank" I said sitting down putting my head in my hands.

"Nope this is a 100% real. Plus I'm not that bad stop acting like this is such a big deal all we did was have sex" ben said taking a photo of me.

"Yh no big deal to you. Your used to being a man whore me on the other hand liked to keep my innocent" I said beginning to cry

"Hey that was un called for don't you think" ben said acting offended.

I simply just scoffed and grabbed my stuff I ran downstairs to see sam passed out. I found a postic note and wrote that I was going home and stuck it in his forehead. I called a taxi and used what little money I had to get home.


Once the taxi arrived I payed the driver and exited the car. I noticed that my mothers car was not there which is unusual.

I slowly opened the door and walked into the living room trying my hardest not to be noisy I looked up to see my dad stood in the middle of the room looking at me

"Where the fuck did you go last night" he yelled at me.

I stood there in silence refusing to even look at him.

"WHERE DID YOU GO!" He screamed at me making me jump.

"Out" I yelled back at him with my head still looking towards the floor.

"look at me when your talking" he said walking towards me.

Once he got to me he grabbed my hair and pulled it causing me to look at him. The pain from my hair being pulled caused my headache to be worse.

"Your just like your mother perfetic" he said letting me go.

I quickly ran upstairs to my room and slammed the door shut and pushed my set of draws behind it. I felt so unclean and dirty.

I went into the bathroom that was connected to my room and turned the shower on to the highest heat I could stand in I began scrubbing away at my trying to remember what happend last night but nothing came back to me head. I remember confronting Danny that's about all.

After about an hour I decided it was finally time to exit the shower. I got out and wrapped a towel around me. I slowly headed towards my bedroom. I opened my bedroom door from the bathroom and crept in.

"Bruce get out of my room" I said being mad quiet as possible.

"I thought this was sams room" he said turning around signalling me to get changed.

"Yes because sam would have all girly shit" I said with venom in my words.

"Well yes he is quite girly" ben said turning back around once I had finished changing.

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