🥀chapter eight🥀

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I woke feeling terrible uncomfortable. I looked around to see Ben laid in his seat asleep. I took I look at the time realising it was 9am... shit!

I began to shake ben knowing that we where going to be in shit for being late. He fluttered his eyes open letting a groan come out of his mouth. He quickly shut his eyes again because of the sun glaring at him through the window.

"Benny wake up where late" I said kissing his forehead

"Let's just skip" he mumbled

"I'm already I enough shit from sam no thanks" I said lifting his seat.

I quickly stepped out of the car and came around to his side. I took The blanket off him and guided him to the back seat. I can understand why he was tired we were up talking to early hours this morning. I let him laid down and put the blanket back over him while taking his keys and heading into the drivers seat.

I began our drive to school I put music on which helped ben wake up a bit.

After about a fifteen minutes drive of going over the speed limit and me nearly crashing about 60 times of did I mention I can't drive we made it to school. We both smelt horrendous and looked it. We walked in see that it was break time.

"We are so dead" I said noticing that we had already missed three pieriods.

"I know" ben said as we both quickly headed to the bathroom to get cleaned up

I quickly put my hair up into the neatist bun I could and washed yesterday makeup off my face. We both used bens deodorant and sprayed it on as much as we could.

"Ready" ben said as we both left the girls toilets.

We both headed to the benches where we found sam oh and his girlfriend and Danny.

Sam immediately shit glares at me and Ben whilst we both took a seat on the bench I was sat in-between Danny and Ben while ben was awkwardly placed next sam.

"You two are a bit late" sam said giving me a glare

"Sam have you had a stroke. Your eyes seem a bit dodgey" I said returning the glare

At this point his girlfriend spat out her water all over Danny because she was laughing. Danny just looked at her in disgust.

"She has a point sammy wammy" the girl said poking his cheek

They both make me want to throw up. How cringy. I laugh at his nickname

"Sammy wammy?" Ben says looking at sams girlfriend. She just nods and smiles kissing sam.

"That's it I'm done that my section of cringe done" I said getting out of my seat.

After walk away to my locker I notice some footsteps behind me. I turn around to see his girlfriend.

"Hey" she says smiling

"What" I roll my eyes

"I'm Annie sams girlfriend and you are" she says holding her hand out.

"Lyric sams sister" I say denying her hand shake

"Oh well cool" she says awkwardly.

A Single Moment Of SincerityHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin