🥀chapter twenty🥀

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We both just stood there staring for a while before one of us broke the silence.

"Take a photo love, it lasts longer"ben spoke making me blush

"Maybe I should tell you the same" I replied

"I've already got enough photos of you" he said grabbing my hand

Both me and Ben started heading to the door our fingers interlocked. The weather matched our moods the sun had began setting since it was winter.
Ben helped me into the car and then went and sat himself in his seat ready to drive.

"So where are we going" I asked as I buckled up my seat belt and he pulled out the driveway.

"I'm not telling you love " ben said Sometime I really wish he wasn't so bloody stubborn. I mean it's a great quality about him but at the same time it's one of the worse quality's about him.

Bens PoV //

God she looked stunning it was so hard not to kiss her and rip her clothes right off her. I still beat myself up everyday for what happened years ago.

Back then she was attractive but shy, now she attractive,outgoing, forgiving and kind and plenty more I could say a million words about her but it would take me forever to list them off.

I'm so glad she agreed to go on a date with me even if it was so she could going shopping it will be nice to pretend she's mine for tonight. I truly wish she was mine.

At the moment it's so hard to not tell her where we are going. I remember sam telling me she used to love this place when she was younger. It's a Nice restaurant apparently she used to dream of being in there and finding the love of her life.

It sounds so childish but she was a child. Sometimes I think that love isn't real and I partly agree but I also strongly disagree fair enough I'm married well not happily neither me and sam have been staying loyal.

I just hope Lyric doesn't find out Im still married I mean I told her that I was married on the edge of divorce but maybe she forgot. Or should I say hopefully she forgot.

We finally are at the destination. I watched as her eyes lit up at the sight of the restaurant, god she really does love this place.

Lyrics POV

How the fuck does ben know this is my favourite restaurant. Surely sam didn't tell him because he can never ever remember shit.

"Oh gosh how did you know I love this place" I slightly screamed as ben began smirking.

"Sam told me that you loved this place as a child so I hoped you still like it" Ben said unbuckling his seat belt.

I unbuckled mine as ben came round to my side to help me out of the car fair enough my ribs where slowly healing but it didn't stop me needing some help.

Once we where done we began walking inside. This place hadn't changed a bit. It was all amazing like something you would expect to see in a Disney film.

"Reservation for bruce. It's a table for two" ben said to the waitress.

The whole time he spoke she gave me weird glares as-if I was ment to know her. Or something.

She lead us to Are table where ben pulled my chair out for me and then gently tucking me in. Once he did that he did the same but this time for him self.

We both sat there looking at the menu for about ten minutes until the very same waitress came back and asked us for our order.

"Hello is there anything I can get you two" she asked her voice seemed slightly familiar.

"Can I get the chilli con carne with coke please" ben asked as the waitress placed his order on her small note pad

"Anything else" she asked us

"Yes please, can I have the chicken tikka masala with a flat bread and lemonade" I asked her she quickly nodded then wrote it down.

"I will be right back with your orders" once she said that she headed off into the back where they where making all the yummy goodness

"What do you think so far" ben asked while using one of his hands to rub my knee

"It amazing thank you so much for bringing me here" I said smiling a little

After about a ten minute wait and a shirt conversation with Ben out food finally arrived. It looked and smelt gorgeous and so did bens. I slowly began eating it making sure not to spill any down my brand new dress.

We finally managed to finish our food with no room left for Disert ben paid the bill which I tried to pay but of course got no where with. After that we headed back home in bens car

"Thank you so much for tonight." I said as me and Ben both went to sit on the sofa.

"It's alright love I'm so glad you agreed to come with me, I was so worried you would say no because of all the shit I did to...." ben began but I shortly cut him off with a kiss to stop him going on about all his mistakes far enough he did wrong but I don't want to hear about that it's not important to me any more so I just wish he could forgive him self. I forgot how good his lips felt.

After a while the kiss began getting more aggressive until I was finally being carried upstairs bridal style. Ben began kissing me again once we got into the bedroom. He started backing me up against the bed until I fell on it with him not far behind falling on top of me but being careful not to hurt my ribs.

We both began Tearing our clothes off each other until both of us where completely naked. (You all know how this goes. And if you don't they had sex there you go I hope your happy.)


A/n hey if you guys would like a smut chapter then please let me know and if you wouldn't also let me know so it can be like a voting system. I'm sorry my chapters are getting short but it hard to write with a broken hand and on a phone. With that said there is something big coming up maybe it's next chapter or maybe it's in like ten chapters

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