🥀chapter Four🥀

36 3 0

Picture- Benjamin Paul bruce
Song- figured it out


"Sam" I asked while driving to the party.

"Yes" I said keeping his eyes on the road.

"Do you think mums okay she seemed a bit scared today, I mean I know she's a bitch but she wasn't even drinking" I said to sam.

My mother was always drinking. She would just stand there letting our father yell at hit us not doing anything. I don't think I had ever seen her not drunk.

"Lisen, mums not a bitch but she could be a better parent. She loves you with all her heart but she's scared of dad you must not tell her I told you this" sam said looking a bit concerned

"Okay" I said immediately shutting up

"Hey sam, you know if I get drunk. Make sure I don't do anything I will regret." I said. The one time I had gotten drunk I nearly lost my virginity to a stranger. If it wasn't for sam I wouldn't of stopped.

"I promise" sam said putting one hand over to me and linking middle fingers

We always did this instead of a pinky swear. It was our own little thing that nobody really understands.

"I missed you while you was gone" I said

"I missed you two sis next time I go I'm bringing you with me" sam said putting his hand in my knee.


After a a while if talking we finally reached our destination. We could she Danny making out with some blonde bimbbo. As we got closer to the door I spotted ben sitting on the stairs looking bored as fuck.

When we got inside I rushed to the alcohol and grabbed a bottle of vodka off the table and went to where ben was.

"Here" I said holding out the drink

"Thanks" ben said patting the step as in invitation to sit down.

"Ben, can I ask you something" I said taking a swig from the bottle.


"Why is it that when Danny not around your nice to me. But he minute he gets back your a dickhead" I said taking another swig from the bottle.

"I don't know I guess I just think it makes me look cool" I scoffed as he said that.

"What! Making someone's life miserable is cool" I said standing up and taking the bottle with me.

I ran up the stairs and walked into an empty bedroom (since this place had like four.) how can Someone think that way. It awful and pisses me off. If everybody thought that way earth would be in total chaos.

After about ten minute of me just taking swigs from the bottle. Ben walked in with a bottle of whiskey and took a place right next to me without even asking.

"Listen Melody.....shit! no! mean lyric. I'm sorry okay I didn't mean to upset you. It's just I didn't want Danny to fall out with me he's been there for me ever since I was little" Ben sighed taking a swig if his whiskey.

Melody. Ben called me Melody. Shit! Fuck! He the one who wrote me that note. So it was just a wind up great. But then again when he said Melody at the park Danny pissed his self laughing saying nobody say that except girls

"Listen ben if you mean that much two someone then they wouldn't fall out with you Over such petty things. But if they do there obviously fake" I said to Ben finishing the vodka.

I still hadn't got the buzz off of it so I grabbed the whiskey out of bens had as took a few swigs if that.

"You are true lyric I will give you that. So how about this. Hi I'm ben nice to me you" ben said putting out his hand.

"Hi I'm Lyric nice to meet you to" I replied shaking his hand.

After a while we finished off the whiskey and went back down stairs. By this point we were both wasted. But we could of been worse.

As we approached the alcohol table somebody grabbed my wrist.

"Lyric don't go near ben while his drunk. He will end up in bed with you. Trust me I know what your both like drunk" sam said turning me around.

"Sam I'm grown up I will be fine" I said Patton his chest and walking of well more like stumbling off.

On my way back to the table I bumped into James and nearly fell over but he caught me I. Time.

"Take it easy lyric" James said giggling.

"Thanks for catching me" I said standing up straight.

"It's alright love everyone falls for me" he said winking. I just stood there giggling  until I spotted ben.

"Sure James" I said walking away.

I approached Ben and he had a bottle of whiskey in his hand we both walked back into the room we where talking in.

"Do you know what would be a good idea" ben said smiling and acting like a kid on Christmas Day. I gave him a look to say go on.

" confronting Danny" ben said so jazz hands.

"Yeah,yeah,yeah" I said jumping up.

We both raced down the stairs and outside to where Danny was.

"Daniel Robert worsnop. You have been a very unkind person to this beautiful young lady"
Ben said signalling me at the last part.

"We would like to confront you" I said pointing at him. Danny just stood there looking really confused.

"Danny you know very we what where going on about don't play dumb with me apologie to her or I will fall out with you. FOREVER!" Ben said crossing his arms and turning around.

"What the fuck Ben you don't even like her" Danny said but Ben kept his ground and didn't speak.

"You have to be fucking kidding me Ben" Danny said

"Fine, I'm sorry Lyric Bettley for being a dick head And would you please  forgive me" Danny said

"It's gonna take a lot more then sorry for me to forgive you but that's a start" I said hugging Danny. He looked stunned

"Thanks you Danny" ben said linking arms with me and leading me back to the room we left our whiskey in.

After a while of talking me and Ben where totally screwed. We had had one bottle of vodka and three bottle of whiskey.

We locked the door after the grabbing the third bottle because everyone was pissed off that we weren't getting cups.

Me and Ben currently where looking deep into one another's eyes. We both naturally began leaning in until our lips were touching. Ben put his hand in my back pulling me closer until I was sat on his lap.

————————-end of chapter————————-

Authors note: hey sorry this chapters short and shit

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