New Start(1)

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Stan POV ((starting it off with a bang guys))

I whipped the dark blood from my blade, looking down on the demon body on the floor, it's head was a couple of feet away from its body.

I looked around me, there was a small group of people I had met on my way to Canada. One boy's name was Max he was in the army on release ((I don't know what it's really called when they come home for a little for being sent out again, the only soldier I know is my brother's boyfriend and he is still in a training camp on actually in the army yet. Sorry)) He was with his wife when Bill turned the world upside down, She is one of the others that was standing with me. Other than these two we had three others with us.

Ben. Ben is the youngest of all of us the boy is only 16 but a badass when in comes to fighting, but he refuses to tell us how he learning these things.

Rosely isn't a fighter, but she has a great understanding of the unknown and isn't surprised with any monster or demon  most the time she already knows about them and has info on what to do about them.

The last of is Kai, is mute and can only speak with us through writing. But most the time they just stand back and role their eyes at us or shake their head. They picking up how to fight quickly and has become Rosely's bodyguard.

Me and them have been working our way back to Gravity falls with the army's from USA, Canada, and Mexico on our heels.

Taking out demons that get in the way.

"Sir we're outside of Gravity Falls, I can see it." Ben called from his place in the tree above us.

"Thank you, Ben please come down we have to get moving," I called out to him and he nodded and made his way down through the branches. Once he was back on the ground we got moving in the direction that he was pointing us in.

It was a quiet walk, and we moved slowly, everyone thinking about the idea of being face to face with two overpowered demons.

We made it to the town to find the house were Ford and Mabel were camping out, I wanted to pull those three in with us, we could use all the help we can get.

"Wait here," I told the leaders of each army and only took my small group up to the house.

I knocked on the door shouting, "Ford it's me Stan let me in!" there was a moment of silence before the door cracked open a little, Pacifica peaked her head out and looked up at me and around at the group.

"Stan? We thought you died." she said in nothing higher than a whisper.

"It's a long story, let us in and I will explain it all to you girls and my brother." I gave her a warm smile but at my words her eyes widened and tears well up so close to spilling over.

"I believe that we have a lot to tell eachother," her head dropped and she pushed the door all the way opened, she turn on her heel and walked into the kitchen knowing we were behind her.

((My eyes feel like their burning but I must continue writing!!))

I notice something weird. The very little house was too quiet for being the home of three people, "Pacifica, where is Mabel and Ford?" I asked slowly taking a set at the table.

Her head swung low, "When Bill and his sister came for Dipper and Wendy, Mabel... She didn't make it..." She choked on her words and they were very quiet.

I almost thought I miss heard her.

"Mabel she... she's dead?" I stuttered as my brain fail to see it as true, "What about Ford, don't tell me he..."

Weirdmageddon: The Heads (Billdip)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن