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jimin: i miss you already

jungkook: i miss you too

jimin: it's not even been 24 hrs and it feels like years

jungkook: jimin

jimin: huh ?

jungkook: i dont know when or if ill be able to go back to busan

jimin: what do you mean?

jungkook: it's just, yoongi and i hardly have any money

jungkook: trying to come back every other week is gonna be impossible

jimin: you promised

jungkook: i know and i'm sorry i really am

jimin: why would you lie to me? if you weren't actually gonna come back why would you say you would

jungkook: i didnt want to hurt you

jimin: looks like you didnt do a very good job

jungkook: minnie i'm sorry

jungkook: minnie

jungkook: jimin answer me

jungkook: please jimin

jungkook: please text me when you calm down


imma finish up this fic today gaaaaahhhh i'm emoooooo

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