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jungkook is calling...

jm: "hello,"

jk: 'hey jimin,'

jm: "what's up?"

jk: 'nothing i just wanted to talk to you,'

jm: "okay,"

jk: 'what are you doing?'

jm: "i was doing homework but i would rather talk to you,"

jk: 'i need to tell you something,'

jm: "what?"

jk: 'just don't freak out okay,'

jm: "i can't promise that,'

jk: 'it's not a really big deal,'

jm: "then i shouldn't freak out now should i,"

jk: 'yeah,"

jm: "so?"

jk: 'i'm moving,'

jm: "what? when? where? why?"

jk: 'me and yoongi are moving to seoul to audition for this company bighit,'

jm: "seoul? that's like almost 3 hours away"

jk: 'yeah,'

jm: "when?"

jk: 'jimin please stop crying,'

jm: "when are you going jungkook,"

jk: 'in three weeks,'

jm: "then i guess we will have to make these three weeks worth while, huh?"

jk: 'i want to spend every second with you,'

jm: "me too,"

jk: 'ill try and come back every week to see you. it's not that long of a train ride,'

jm: "promise?"

jk: 'promise,"


okay so there are only 13 chaps left im kinda sad lol

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