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jungkook is calling you...

jm: "hello"

jk: 'jimin?'

jm: "yeah it's me"

jk: 'woah'

jm: "what?"

jk: 'your voice'

jm: "what about it?"

jk: 'it's so pretty'

jm: "oh well uhm thanks"

jk: 'sorry i called so late'

jm: "it's okay i couldn't sleep anyways"

jk: 'why not'

jm: "just stress from school and people"

jk: 'what about people?'

jm: "it may surprise you but im not exactly popular. i have been getting picked on since grade 3"

jk: 'why would anyone pick on you. you're amazing'

jm: "i wish everyone thought that way"

jk: 'well at least this is your last year right?'

jm: "yeah, just five more months"

jk: 'i like you a lot jimin'

jm: "why did you call? we usually just text"

jk: 'i figured if i couldn't see you i wanted to hear you

jm: "i should go to sleep"

jk: 'goodnight minnie'

jm: "night jungkook"

text from jungkook

jungkook: send me nudes when you wake up

jimin: no 🖕


This cute 💛

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