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jungkook: i'm here

jimin: i'm coming down now

jimin types and sends as he begins walking down the steps. his dad is asleep on the couch. he stops for a moment and smiles happy to see his father finally getting some rest.

"hey kookie," jimin says as he opens the door. "just be quiet my dad is asleep," he says in a quite tone as they enter the living room where jimins father sleeps peacefully.

they make their way upstairs, jungkook jumping on jimins bed as if it were his own. "just give me a lol longer to study then we can like talk or whatever," jimin says sitting at his desk and looking down at his calculus work.

jungkook gets up and walks towards the shorter boy, "just relax," jungkook whispers into his ear as he begins to massage jimins shoulders.

"i can't i have to pass this test or my grade with go down 30%," jimin says leaning into jungkooks touch.

"you are too smart to fail," jungkook says then kisses the side of jimins neck making the younger moan softly.

"take a break," jungkook adds pulling jimins chair away from his desk so that there is enough room for him to get in front of him.

"okay," jimin says standing up and allowing jungkook to kiss him. they make their way to jimins bed, jungkook on top of jimin with the younger completely pliant to what jungkook wants.

"can i show you what rimming is?" jungkook asks with a smirk.

"please," jimin moans out as jungkook rolls their hips together making both of them harder.


mmkay so smut chap next

p.s. also shameless promo check out my new fic "can't help falling" thanks lol

and p.p.s only gonna take this fic to 50 chaps 👍

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