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jungkook: jimin

jimin: yes?

jungkook: you have to send me nudes

jimin: no

jungkook: come on you said you would

jimin: that was said in a moment of weakness

jungkook: so that means you have to

jimin: no it means that i only said it cuz i thought you hated me

jungkook: i hate you ... now nudes !

jimin: ...

jimin: why do you want nudes if you've basically already seen me naked?

jungkook: because a mental pic is never as good as a real one

jimin: ill think about it

jungkook: how about yes

jimin: okay but ill send them saturday

jungkook: why so long awayyyy

jimin: cuz i said so

jungkook: ugh fine


okay so next chap nudes lmao

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