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jungkook: i think i see you 😍

jimin: i see you too 😳

jungkook can't help but look jimin up and down as the younger boy walks over to him. he almost can't believe that jimin could have gotten even more gorgeous since the last picture jimin sent him. jungkook starts to walk towards him too, his stomach feels queasy and he just want to hug him.

"jimin-ssi," jungkook says as he holds his arms out.

"jungkook," jimin says as he wraps his arms around jungkooks waist. jungkook holds him tight taking a deep inhale so that he can try and memorize what he smells like by the end of the night.

"you are small," jungkook says with a chuckle as he rests his chin on the top of jimins head.

"i am big," jimin mumbles into jungkooks chest. jimin playfully hits him on the back. neither of them want to let go, they want to just stand there. "we should go or we'll miss the movie," jimin mumbles but makes no attempt to let go.

"let's go," jungkook mumbles, pulling away. he grabs jimins hand and laces there fingers together. jungkook leads the way to the movie room where they are supposed to go. they go to the very top of the theatre and sit down.

jimin can't help but glance at jungkook. he can't believe that he is actually sat next to him in public. when the movie starts jimin is actually quite interested in it. so much so that he doesn't even notice jungkook staring at him.

jungkook bites his lips as his eyes trace jimins features carefully. "you are so pretty," jungkook whispers. jimin looks at him with a shocked look on his face.

"what?" jimin questions, jungkook just barely able to see the blush that flushes his face.

"you heard me," jungkook whispers as he leans into jimin. their noses brush against each other, just centimeters apart from their lips touching.

jimins breath hitches and he closes his eyes as he waits for jungkook to kiss him. "can i?" jungkook whispers as he cups jimins cheek with his hand.



hahaha i want y'all to hate me 🙃

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