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jungkook: we should like hang out

jimin: what do you mean?

jungkook: like go see a movie together or something

jungkook: i think it's about time we meet for real

jimin: i don't know

jungkook: c'mon it'll be fun

jimin: ill consider it

jungkook: that means yes

jimin: no it means ill potentially say yes

jungkook: basically u're saying yes

jimin: -_- no im not

jungkook: meet me at my job on Friday at around 6

jimin: no

jungkook: you will or else

jimin: or else what?

jungkook: you don't wanna know baby boy

jimin: ew, do you ever take no for an answer?

jungkook: no isn't in my vocabulary

jimin: go figures


im once again bored lmao

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