"Girl are you deaf? Do you not hear the Jungkook Fangirls complaining about him all the time?"

Jimin opened his eyes at the sound of Jungkook's name. "A-alpha...?" He mumbled, his vision cloudy. "Wh-where's he? Where's my alpha...?"



"Tammy, go get him! I think I saw him earlier out with my boyfriend for soccer practice."

Jimin sat up and his eyes bubbled with tears, making a couple of the girls coo and nuzzle his cheeks. "W-where is he...?" He mumbled, eyes golden and he licked his dry lips, shivering. "S'cold in here..."

Jas patted Jimin's shoulders. "We don't have extra clothes in here, but it is a little cold." She looked sympathetic. "Do you...ah, need a pad?"

Jimin looked away and nodded shyly. "Do you have pads for h-heavy bleeders?" He mumbled, rubbing his eyes and the girl blinked. "T-the bigger ones..."

"Oh, you bleed, too? Poor thing." She pouted her lips and rubbed his cheek again and Jimin nuzzled into the hand, desperately craving the affection given. "I'll go and grab one from my locker."

Jimin nodded, leaning back and curling up into himself when he heard the door open tentatively. Jimin glanced over, whimpering when he saw Jungkook peek in, his cheeks flushed. The alpha was drenched in sweat, his face dusted with red and he panted slightly, as if he was exercising for a long time. "Sorry...excuse me." Jungkook whispered, respectfully shielding his eyes as a couple of girls huffed and covered themselves up pointedly, while others tried to show off their bodies, and grabbing Jimin's wrist gently. "Baby, why didn't you tell me your heat was today?"

Jimin whined. "I-I didn't know, either. Otherwise I would've asked Seokjin for suppresants by now." He pulled Jungkook's damp shirt closer and breathed in the scent of his musky pine, relaxing visibly as he did so. "S-smells so...g-good..." Jimin said breathlessly, taking Jungkook's hand and he was about to put it in between his lips when Jas came back with a pastel-pink colored pad. She blinked in surprise when she saw Jungkook, but just smiled and handed Jimin the pad.

"There's stalls over there." She pointed to the corner of the room and looked up at Jungkook. "Wait outside, we'll let Jimin out after he puts that on. Oh, and," she looked at the jacket slung over the alpha's waist and she snatched it, surprising the poor alpha, "gonna need this."

Jimin stood, flushing madly when Jas instantly covered his lower half that was soaked in slick and blood, and Jimin hid his face in his hands before scuttling over to the stalls, where the sound of the pad being torn open was heard, and Jungkook left the girl's locker room quickly.


Jungkook was spooning Jimin.

The omega smelled of vanilla orchid due to the shower he had just taken, and Jungkook was gently carding his fingers through his hair while cuddling his waist, humming softly to the gentle music playing in the background. (a/n: lofi hiphop? vapourwave? nut)

"And I had fallen for you without even knowing, this beautiful winter that bestowed the buds of our love for future spring," Jungkook sang softly into Jimin's ears, and the omega shivered, leaning back into his chest, feeling warm and protected. "When the storm had cleared and the grass was soaked with morning dew and melted snow, you and I were busy inside cutting cardboard and singing to lost melodies."

Jimin sighed, his eyes fluttering shut as he listened to hid alpha's smooth voice that was dripping with honey and so awfully passionate that Jimin had to turn around and bury his face into Jungkook's chest before desperately cutting him off in a kiss.

Jungkook's breath hitched, but he caught up pretty quickly and began kissing back. The music danced around their ears and the smacking of lips against lips, the heat of their tongues clashing out of a sort of paced affection, and Jungkook growled before sucking hard on Jimin's tongue and beginning to use his teeth, biting and sucking and licking.

"And oh, I love you. More than the peppermint chocolate milk you brew under the moonlight on that chilly Friday night. Darling, you're dear to me."

Jimin pulled back. "I love you."

"Words mean a lot." Jungkook replied, nuzzling his forehead, lips bitten and dark. "Do you mean it?"

Jimin whined at Jungkook's teasing. "I do!"

Jungkook giggled. "Well, then. I love you more."


yes i randomly wrote and made up that "song" in three minutes bc i like pretty words

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