Adamarius took a much needed breath. Leave? Was he truly strong enough to leave his soulmate? His evergreen eyes shifted to his beautiful other half. Outlining her features with his eyes gave him goosebumps and his heart an indescribable ache.

Her glowing pale skin looked as smooth as silk, her long brown straight hair was meant to empathize dominance and authority. She craved and needed power but not for herself. No, his beautiful little Queen never wanted the crown. She needed power in order to protect her people, her loved ones. She didn't, couldn't trust anyone else to do the job. 

Could she trust him again? Forgive him for leaving?

Her unnatural velvet eyes, the one visible lycan trail, turned to him. She was the reason he was back. He remembered countless nights waking up in a pool of sweat dreaming about those tortured, vicious, loving, passionate, adoring eyes. They haunted him.

"Adamarius' return has caused confusion and some wonder if they should pledge allegiance to him." Ofelia continued, dragging Adamarius out of his trance. "Adamarius is technically their rightful Alpha. He is in their blood. Even though Darius has been a righteous King for them; it's difficult. It's our nature to follow an Alpha. But I believe showing a united front will help. Adamarius choosing to give up leadership will pursued them."

She already knew their future plan. Ofelia was Deva's personal advisor.

Darius glanced at his half brother. He wondered if he was having second thoughts. Would he decide to take on the role of Alpha and raise a rebellion against him? He dismissed the traitorous thoughts. Adamarius loved Deva too much to hurt her in that way. He knew Deva would never forgive him if he tried to do anything like that against Darius.

He refrained from accusing Adamarius of being the enemy. Their goal was the same.

Adamarius sensed his thoughts and wanted to bury the suspicion once and for all. He stared his peers in the face, every last one of them until he landed on his brother's.

"All I've ever wanted for my people was justice. You have provided that brother. I have no desire to overthrow you. You have created a world where lycans and vampires coexist. There is nothing more I want but to be with my family and live in peace."

"What he says is true." Deva examined every word out of his mouth. Darius could trust no other person than his wife and her ability.

She wanted Adamarius with them. She could truly admit it now. She no longer harbored hate in her heart for him, nor did she blame him for her parents deaths. The years apart gave her peace and sanctuary. He was a pawn like the rest of them under Asher's control. Together they could heal. Together they could finally grow and live the life they were supposed to.

"Adamarius will be more involved. Our unity will show this kingdom nothing is more sacred and precious than peace, family, and unity." Darius was demanding their support.

Every member in the council was reasonable and held the kingdom's best interest at heart, always.

They agreed. Unity was power.

"I believe we're also here to talk about the Relic Moon." Nathan, an active long time member of the council, skimmed over the topic.

The Relic Moon was still a confusing matter for the vampires in Darius' kingdom. Lycan's were nearly considered extinct in the kingdom until recently. When word spread of a hybrid Queen many lycans migrated to fall under her rule believing her to be somewhat of a savior.

"The Relic Moon happens every 72 years." Adamarius began. "For a week the moon turns purple."

"I always wondered why it turned purple." Marcus leaned over the table curiously.

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