Chapter 28

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Deva woke up with a hollow emptiness she wasn't sure she'd ever fill again. Even with the warmth of Lucian's arms surrounding her entirely she still felt cold and sedated. He could clearly see the paralyzing anguish in her distant eyes.

She hated the pitiful 'I told you so'. Lucian was too much of a gentleman to rub it in her face yet she felt it in his stinging blue grey eyes. "Thank you."

"I wish I could do more. I could get Marcus to erase-"

She cut him off before he could even finish the unthinkable request.

"No." Deva wanted to feel every ounce of pain Darius had bestowed upon her. "It's a nice reminder." Of who Darius really was. "I don't deserve your care, not after what I put you through."

He watched the sadness wash over her beautiful face and knew his treacherous brother was witnessing it too. Darius had been foreshadowing through Lucian's eyes since he left Deva in tears.

"Deva I never blamed you for anything. So you love my brother more than me. Yes I was hurt, but I understood and respected your choice."

"Like I said, I don't deserve your kindness."

He almost laughed at her stubbornness but instead pulled her into a hug that she welcomed full heartedly. "Silly girl," he whispered into her hair. "I love you, and no matter what you do or who you fall in love with I will never stop loving you or care for you. I'm here for you; therefore, you're stuck with me for a very, very long time baby doll."

She was truly grateful for their friendship. She wasn't sure how she would have survived the heartache without his shoulder to lean on.

"I do love you Loosh."

"I'm not going anywhere." He promised.

She bit her lip, finally able to feel it. "I'm not ready to face anyone."

"I'll have food brought here."

She couldn't understand what was going through his mind. Why he would even consider helping her? He loved her far more than he should.

"Good. I love eating away my feelings."

By the time she finished washing up and changing into a black, morbid maxi dress the food was waiting for her on a table.

She felt like there was no place for her anymore without Darius. Marcus had Julia, and she already told Lucian how she felt about him. Darius could never be hers again; so there was no reason for her to live in their kingdom.

"We're being summoned." Lucian announced folding his napkin after their meal.


He didn't want to lie to her or hold any secrets. "Darius' new situation has complicated things and has sped up our process. We need to unveil the next queen soon."

Deva figured as much. She rose and put a sweater on before he escorted her out the door.

Nearing the sunroom Deva reached for Lucian's hand. Whether subconsciously or not she needed his strength to face whatever was to come.

"Who's the next queen?"

His eyes dissolved into hers answering her question. She was ready.

"You're not alone." He began to play with her fingers as they reared a corner.

"Thank you Loosh. I trust you."

He leaned in and gave her an innocent peck on the lips. "Let's get this over with."

The Queen was standing close to the window with a rather harden expression on her face. Darius was also standing on the far right of the corner leaning against the wall. He immediately raised his gaze towards them and locked eyes with Deva, but she quickly averted her stare. She was afraid of what she might reveal to him.

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