Chapter 35

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Deva watched as Adamarius warmed himself in the hearts of everyone she cared about. Izzy couldn't get enough of him. Marcus was railed in by the impeccable adventure stories Adamarius professed to have. Deva couldn't be sucked in. She felt like every words out of Adamarius' mouth was a stretched lie.

Therefore she chose to ignore him. Everyone else was mesmerized by his charm and conniving exaggerations. Deva could swear he was fooling everyone but didn't know why. What was he really trying to gain?

Through the long corridor Deva made her way towards the kitchen. It had been awhile since she had seen Antonio and figured there was no better time than the present.

Walking closer to her destination she heard strange noises coming from one of the rooms.

To her left in one of the many living rooms Deva made out the noise as small annoying moans coming out of a girl's mouth.

Deva's curiosity forced her to peek inside and find out who was making all the unnecessary commotion that was both disturbing and perplexing. Inside the room she saw big broad shoulders facing away from her that could only belong to one very irritating lycan.

He was holding a girl up against the wall. Her stubby legs rose up around his torso while her hands roamed over every muscle on his back and then through his light brown hair.

Her deep out of breath moans were the most annoying sound Deva had ever heard.

She watched as Adamarius hungrily kissed Evie with a fierce madness. She was surprised he hadn't sucked her face off yet.

Deva knew he knew she was there. With his vampire and lycan hearing there was no way he didn't hear her come in.

"Oh please get a room. No one wants to see you guys going doggy style."

Adamarius pulled away with a wicked smirk on his face, turning to look at Deva. Evie whimpered.

Deva kept her eyes narrow with complete disgust.

"Is that jealousy I sense?" He asked in mockery.

"Wow, your senses are really off, aren't they?"

His evil chuckle filled her ears as he set Evie on the ground. Deva couldn't believe this was the same Evie. She thought Evie was a respectable innocent girl not another one of the blonde flimsy types. She was way wrong. Evie struggled pushing down her tight green skirt.

"Go to my room," he told her in a sickly sweet voice that made Deva cringe. "Perhaps we'll finish this."

Evie quickly nodded with excitement before walking away from him.

Deva coughed, "Slut." As Evie passed by but the skanky girl just glared back and flipped her hair." Classy, really you are. It's a wonder why the Queen likes you so much."

His smirk grew wider as he moved closer to her. Deva wanted to step back but knew better than to submit to a crazed lycan. Her dignity wouldn't let her.

"Don't try to deny it pet. I saw lust in your eyes when you were watching us."

Deva almost choked. "More like repulse. You've spent so much time as a dysfunctional mutt that you've forgotten the emotions of the human form. You can't even tell the difference from lust and disgust. How sad."

Deva was already by the doorframe leaning against the wall when he finally reached her, only a few inches separating them. Deva felt her heart racing from the heat radiating off of his muscular built body.

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