Chapter 46

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Izzy became Deva's PR and manage seamlessly overnight. The future queen needed someone on her side; who better to trust than family. Izzy was more than willing to serve and contribute more for her new sister. Deva needed a lifesaver to guide her in the public eye and Izzy was no stranger to it.

"You have a red carpet event with the elite businessmen and socialists in an hour. Lance is here to get you ready."

While he worked on Deva's hair and makeup Izzy continued discussing her schedule.

"There will probably be a lot of talk about Sheena's death .Keep it simple. You've already explained yourself. You know nothing about an affair. She tried killing you so you ended her."

"Got it."

"Besides Raphael had a conference about it. Most of the talk should be dying down."

Deva slid into her fashionable slacks and tight fit blazer, topping it off with red 6 inch stilettoes. She was turning into the ideal fashion icon. Designers were throwing their clothes at her.

"Is it just us?"

Izzy knew who she was looking for. "Adamarius is staying here. There are already rumors circling around about him. Lucian is coming though. He's waiting by the car."

Deva didn't care about the rumors. She didn't want rumors or the people to dictate her life. But she also wanted time with Lucian.

"I'm ready."

Deva played her part gracefully answering uncomfortable questions, greeting strangers with a Colgate smile, and exuding a queenly confidence no one could deny.

Lucian was an excellent partner. He made her feel a complete ease in front of the stuck up crowd of elites. It made her hate their arranged marriage. She couldn't ruin his life. Lucian deserved to be happy with a woman who could love him with her whole heart.

The truth was her heart was already taken.

"Thank you for coming with me." Lucian made the experience tolerable and more enjoyable.

"I'm glad to be of service to my queen."

"Don't call me that." She raised his arm to lean against him as they rode in the backseat of the luxurious limo.

"You'll have to get used to it."

"I'm afraid I won't live up to it." The pressure was like a hammer punching her down.

"You will."

She took his hand, pressing his palm against her cheek. Coming from him she could believe it.

"Loosh, I can't marry you. I'll end up hurting you if I do." It was time to hash it out.

"Which brother is it, Adamarius or Darius?"

He had heard the whispers going around in the castle. He had even witnessed her new affection for his half sibling but hadn't heard it from her lips.

"Marius is my soulmate." It was nice to finally get it off her chest.

"How do you know?"

She rubbed the bite mark on her shoulder. "The mark basically seals the deal. He says every lycan has their one true soulmate and I am his."

"Because he bit you?" It was as bizarre to him as it was to her in the beginning.

"Yeah sort of but we have this link now. I can feel our connection." She wasn't good at explaining supernatural things.

Royal Pain (Rewritten)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant