Chapter 13

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Deva woke up to an empty bed, no Darius in sight. Maybe she dreamt it. Maybe yesterday didn't really happen. She placed her fingers over her lips remembering the chilling feelings they gave her yesterday. It was definitely real and she did kiss both Lucian and Darius on the same day. In any normal situation she would feel guilty kissing brothers but why should she when they were seeing five other girls?

Nope, she was not going to shame herself or feel like a slut. She was going to play the game just like they were.

Her privacy was short lived when a blustering Julia waltzed into her room. "Really Dev, must you always sleep so late?"

"Yes. It's programmed in my system."

"Your system's slow." Julia said sitting across from her.

Deva took a strawberry and threw it at her best friend. "Respect it don't neglect it."

"Yeah, why don't you treat it not beat it." Julia responded referring to herself.

"Because I treat it after I beat it," she offered Julia a very delicious looking fruit parfait.

Julia accepted her peace offering.

"Deva, come on, you've been antisocial enough," Julia started dragging Deva out the door. "We're all going to watch a movie in the theater room. Come watch with us." When it looked like Deva was going to refuse, Julia quickly added, "It's that new movie with James Franco."

James Franco was her favorite actor. The huge entertainment room had plenty of seating for her to separate herself from the rest of the other girls.

Right away Red targeted her with vicious glares.

"What are you doing here? Done hiding in your cave? Maybe you should go back no one wants you here."

Deva knew she was only being nasty because she had treated her the same way. She wondered if it would have been different if she hadn't insulted Red from the beginning. But instantly laughed at the thought because she knew they would never have been friends. Red was just too easy to make fun of. Her annoying voice and whiny attitude were perfect targets for Deva to pick on.

"I was only hiding from your hideous face but decided to man up. You know mirrors don't talk but lucky for you they don't laugh either."

Red grew indignant and it looked like she was searching for something smart to say back, but Deva quickly added, "Don't let your mind wander. It's way too small to be outside by itself."

Why was she so mean? It made her hate herself. She hated putting other people down yet she did it anyway. Maybe she liked hating herself.

"You don't know me; you just wish you did." Red barked back.

"Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but you just abuse that privilege."

Red stepped closer and yelled, "You shouldn't even be here. You cheated."

Deva shrugged. "Did I? Maybe you should stop paying attention to me and start working on your face. I think the princes would appreciate it if you didn't look like a prostitute."

Red fumed and threw her red nailed hand across Deva's face. She hit her hard and Deva's face swerved to the side. She could taste a bit of blood from the corner of her mouth. Deva expected Red to retaliate; they were both itching for a fight.

Without hesitation Deva threw the obnoxious girl a rough punch to her caked up face. Red fell back clumsily hitting the floor in a clash.

Red's eyes glared towards her from the ground and she mumbled, "Bitch."

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