Chapter 42

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Deva ripped her door open with too much force. She couldn't help the headache that was crawling its way to her temples. It felt like she was sitting in that room all day absorbing information with the council. It was required, for her best interest, to get acquainted with more queenly duties.

Of course Adamarius being there too was an upside and a rather wonderful blessing. Queen Emma's intentions were to get Adamarius familiar with the way their world worked. She also figured Adamarius and Deva could use the time to form a friendly bond with each other since she wasn't aware of their little romance.

Adamarius accommodated to Deva's needs. He listened to her and helped her in ways she figured a king would. Every decision he gave was diplomatic and righteous. He was slowly and most assuredly sneaking into her heart.

Deva's horrid mood got worse at the sight of someone standing uninvited in her room.

"Get out of my room Red. Now is not the time to bitch about anything."

Red made no attempt to leave which made Deva contemplate the many different ways she could get rid of the red puddle standing smugly to spite her.

"Darius told me about how you want to get rid of us. Are you really going to banish your future nephew?"

Deva never thought of the baby as being her nephew. Technically it would be if she married Lucian.

"You're just mad you won't live here anymore and have everything catered to your needs. Let's not forget you're actually not important. You never were and never will be."

Red gritted her teeth to stop herself from pissing Deva off.

"I'm carrying a child with royal blood."

Deva causally walked to the table closest to the window and poured herself a strong drink. She had made a request to have liquor stored in her room instead of always seeking it out herself.

"And that's supposed to stop me? I'll be Queen soon. I would remain in eternal bliss if I never have to see your face again."

"What about Darius' face? Could you really live without him?"

She wished she could answer yes but it would be the biggest lie. Deva knew eventually she'd give in, possibly over much time, and see Darius just to know for herself he was fine.

"Why do you hate me so much? I know why you hate me now?" Red cradled her plump belly. "But you've hated me from the very beginning."

It was true. She had no reason except that she was a bully. She admitted, if only to herself. Red was just something, someone to throw her frustration on. She was in a horrible predicament. The brothers had abducted her and insulting Red for throwing herself at the brothers was Deva's release.

"It doesn't even matter anymore. I got plenty of reason now. But I have to ask. Did you do it to spite me? Did you have sex with Darius because you knew I had feelings for him?"

Red coiled with the idea knowing it was uncomfortably itching at Deva's brain. "Yes. It didn't take much effort on my part though. He was very willing."

Deva emptied the contents of her glass. "How does it feel trapping a man with a baby, knowing he never has and probably never will love you?"

Red laughed like it was a joke. "The funny thing about love is that it can blossom and grow over time. He'll love me. You won't be there to remind him of what he had. He'll have me, us." She smiled down at her child. "We'll be enough."

Surprisingly Red wasn't naïve enough to think Darius would magically fall in love with his child's mother. Yet she had a plan.

Why was there a sudden pain in Deva's heart? It was true. Without her there to disrupt his life Darius would move on. Wasn't that what she wanted for him?

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