Chapter 16

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The next day, Deva spent her time in the gym. All the girls were called to the study room for elimination, but she decided there was no point in going. She wasn't going to get eliminated and she didn't want to see the brothers either. She was livid and fueled with aggression. Punching the bag and running till she couldn't breathe anymore, Deva swam into her thoughts.

How could they? Why would they want her so much? It didn't make sense. Ever since she arrived, she had been nothing but trouble.

"Dev here you are!" Julia popped in.

"Hey Juls."

"Are you okay? You didn't come down for the elimination." She was sincerely worried.

"I'm fine. I'm guessing you're still a shoe-in for becoming the next queen since you're still here."

"Yeah, and so are you."


Julia smirked; holding in news wasn't her strongest quality. "Tits got booted off though."

"Finally," Deva was relieved with some good news.

"The queen is having a meeting. It's in an hour if you want to get ready."

"Yeah thanks for the heads up. Hey Juls, how many girls were cut loose?"

"Just one was sent home this time." They began heading towards the doors.

"So there are only five of us left, five potential queens."

She wondered how much longer they would drag it out. How long would it take them before they declared a new queen?

Their meeting was held in an elegant sunroom overlooking the enchanting garden. It captured the essence of the old Victorian trend. The walls were covered in light leafy patterns and breathtaking baroque paintings. Its feminine touch was a perfect sanctuary for a queen.

"You all look lovely today," the Queen addressed in a sweet calming voice.

"You all look lovely today," the Queen addressed in a sweet calming voice

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(Queen Emma)

"Thank you your majesty," the group of girls responded.

She stood up with an air of pure power. "Being a queen, you must always support your king in every situation or problem that may arise. It is important for him to know that he has you to come to if he needs the truth or needs comfort. It is the king's nature to believe he is always right; but every once in a while, a moment where the king needs persuasion will arise. It is very important to make him believe it was his idea to begin with. Making him do something he doesn't want to do is a skill every queen must master. And in other cases, a queen must stand up to her king in order for him to see reason."

She paused. "Do any of you have any questions for me? What life is like for a queen?"

She took the time answering each and every question asked. Having her put to rest a few of their dreaded fears was enough to ease even Deva.

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