Chapter 6

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Deva woke up to the sound of Lacey frantically running about the room. Deva groaned and wished for more time to sleep. That thought was dismissed when the sun's illuminating rays got past the thick blinds.

"What's up with you? Why are you running around like you've lost your mind?"

Lacey slowed down to answer her. "I don't know what to wear. Today is my day with Darius."

Deva's thoughts immediately drifted to their date. Darius was definitely a charmer but she also noticed how much he basked in the light of attention from his people. The exhilarating rush of power displayed by his mere presence would ignite any royal into a frenzy of adolescent authority. That forced authority was given to him at birth and he thrived upon it.

"Don't sweat. You're going to have a great time regardless."

Lacey took a deep breath. "I don't want to mess it up. He's royalty, you know. I've never been around anyone that important."

"Treat him like another guy. You may not be royalty but you still deserve respect. He's a nice guy. You're going to have a great time."

That seemed to put her mind at ease.

"Oh, he told me he likes nicknames. Maybe you could come up with something cute like 'princey boy' or something." Deva knew it was an evil prank but she wanted to get under Darius' skin.

"Okay, now what do you think about this outfit." Lacey stood up giving Deva a full view.

She was wearing a baby blue tank top and a navy cardigan over black jeans. Deva wondered if she was wearing blue because it was Darius' color or if it just happened on accident. Somehow Deva found it hilarious because they would be matching, and she figured Darius was not the matching type.

"You look perfect Lace. When is he coming?"

Lacey was arranging herself in the mirror. "Any minute actually."

"This early?" She implied.

"Um, Deva honey, it's almost one."

Deva slammed her coffee cup onto the table and it spilt. "Really? It can't be." She turned to the clock on the wall and to her disbelief Lacey was telling the truth. "Darn these vampires for screwing up my schedule."

Deva stood up getting ready to hit the shower when she heard a knock on the door.

"Can you get it Deva? I need to fix my make up."

"Sure." She said lazily making her way to the door. She swung the door open to reveal a very happy looking Darius. His eyes were shining with some untold story.

"Good morning, sweetheart."

"Why do you look so happy?" She blurted, not caring if he took it the wrong way.

His goofy grin got bigger. "I'm happy because I finally get to see you again, sweetheart."

"Sure," she added while turning on her heels and ignoring him.

"Nice pajamas. I really like the view from the back."

That made her stop, and turning around, she snickered, "Hey if you get a view I want one too. Take off your shirt."

Puzzled for a brief second, Darius stared back at her with a cocky smirk. "I don't think you can handle it yet, sweetheart."

"I'm sure I can, but I understand if you're shy, and that was only an excuse. I'll just have to get Marcus or Lucian to show me instead then. It will technically be the same view."

"Mine's better trust me."

"Someone's a bit conceited." She said fighting a smile.

"Only because it's true."

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