Chapter 26

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Deva woke warm in bed and the covers over her face. She could smell the deep woodsy essence of Darius' cologne and smiled. His gentle even breathing was soothing to her ears. She couldn't believe she told them about Nicholas. He was a part of her life she thought she would take to the grave. Nicholas was such an important and special person to her. He was her past. Darius was her future now and perhaps that was why it was easier to tell him. He embraced her past with understanding and comfort.

The sun was beaming in through the curtains but it wasn't as disturbing as have two tiny bodies jumping rambunctiously on top of them.

"Darry, oh Darry," the soft childlike voices chanted. "Wakey wakey Darius."

A groan escaped Darius' lips, and he threw back the covers in frustration. A little girl with light brown hair that looked to be the age of five had the biggest and brightest smile on her as she gazed at Darius' annoyed face.

"Darius please wake up. We're bored." The six year old blond haired boy begged.

"If you two little munchkins don't get off me, I'll eat you for breakfast," Darius refused to open his eyes.

Deva lay back enjoying every second of the scene unfolding in front of her.

The beautiful little girl just giggled angelically. "No you won't."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that squirt. I'm very hungry." Darius used his vampire speed to quickly yank the girl in his arm and move her towards his face, only two inches away. The little girl squealed in his arms, trying to get free.

"What are you doing in my room at this ungodly hour?"

"Uncle Marcus let us in," the girl confessed, struggling to get out of his iron grip.

"Of course he did," Darius kissed the girl's forehead before dropping her on the bed again. The little boy maneuvered his way over closer to Deva. His dark brown eyes stared at her with curiosity.

"Who is she?" He pointed in Deva's direction.

"She's pretty," the girl crawled over to sit on her lap.

Deva smiled, and Darius replied for her. "This is Deva. She's very special to me; so try to make me look good."

Deva laughed as the two little angels batted their eyes at her. "Of course we will."

"I'm Aurora but you can call me Rory. My favorite color is pink, I like skittles, and I want a pony. Will you play Barbie with me?" Aurora mumbled all this while climbing on top of Deva's stomach.

"I'm Lucas, but Luke's fine. You look like a nice person; will you play with us? Uncle Darius is being mean again."

Deva raised her brow in Darius' direction while he watched her with admiration and anticipation.

"Is he always mean to you two?"

"Not always, but lately he's been grumpy. Uncle Marcus says it's cause he lost his marbles," Lucas explained.

"Uncle Darry, if you want marbles I'll share mine with you," Aurora's eyes grew innocent and puppy like.

Darius looked pissed and annoyed by her comment; so Deva quickly picked Aurora up and carried her to the table that was prepared with wonderful breakfast treats.

"Have you both eaten yet?" Deva asked and it reminded her of something her own mother would ask her.

Aurora shook her head and Deva placed her gently on the wooden chair. "Good then you'll have to join me and tell me all the little secrets you know about Darius."

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