Chapter 40

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Kissing Adamarius felt like a dream. The man she thought was her enemy had saved her life and stirred up a tidal wave of emotions. Their undeniable and inconceivable chemistry was beyond her control. The only obvious and ludicrous explanation was his bite mark. It had a possessive hold on her.

She shut her book in frustration because she just couldn't concentrate on the poetic words anymore.

"Someone's in a bad mood," his deep satin voice came from the open door.

Adamarius' broad smile was toying with her.

"What are you doing out this late? Did someone leave your cage open again?"

His alluring grin turned into a chuckle. He moved in front of her and bent down to have his face just inches from hers. His spearmint breath tickled her face and it was extremely inviting.

"You're like a cup of sunshine; you know that." His words were laced with sarcasm and she wanted to laugh.

Yeah she knew she was mean, what else was new.

"I just want to drink you all up." He teased leaning in to steal a kiss from her pink lips.

She reacted instantly by pushing him away even though she was dying to get a better taste of him.

"Not here," she didn't want anyone to find out about them.

He quietly groaned before standing straight again. He watched as Deva's wondrous eyes moved to the window. She was staring out but he could tell that her mind was somewhere else.

Adamarius took her hand and swiftly tugged her up off the small couch.

"What are you doing?"

"Kidnapping you," he responded pulling her towards the door while she resisted.

"What? Why?"

"Because I want to. Now are you going to be dragging your feet the whole time?"

"Maybe," she bolted her feet in place bringing him to a halt. Adamarius cursed her stubbornness. Why couldn't she cooperate for once?

Instead of arguing with her Adamarius simply threw her petite body over his shoulder like she was a potato sack.

She squirmed, smacking his back a few times. "Marius put me down."

He paused momentarily. "Do you promise to cooperate?"

"No," she scuffed.

He lightly smacked her butt with the palm of his hand. She fumed while he enjoyed every second of her reaction.

"Fine, fine I'll do whatever you want." She fidgeted; satisfied he actually listened to her.

Adamarius put her down and she marveled at how discrete he was. They were standing somewhere in the woods next to a cliff. She tore her eyes away from the beautiful scene and narrowed unpleasantly towards Adamarius.

"If you ever do that again I will chop off your hands."

"You don't like when I touch you?" His lips lightly brushed her temple.

Deva shook her head dismissively. "I didn't say that."

Adamarius took a step back and went towards the cliff. "Do you wish I was him?"

Deva swallowed the lump in her throat. Why was he bringing up Darius?

"No," she whispered into the cold air.

Adamarius had his back to her when he asked, "Do you still think about him often?"

"It doesn't matter anymore. He and I will never be together."

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