Chapter 44

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Deva woke up naked and wrapped in the comfort and warmth of Adamarius' arms. Would he truly always be there for her? And was she really the only person he would ever love? Could she eventually say the same thing to him? Did she even believe in soulmates? Was there really only one person for her?

She grazed the planes of his flawless face. He was so beautiful, mysterious yet compelling. Adamarius was showering her in affection; caring for her well-being by repeatedly saving her life. Maybe he did love her.

She woke him with a kiss. "Say it. I want to hear it again."

"I love you." His husky voice echoed a thousand wonderful times. "I love you Deva."

She needed love and security more than she would ever lead on.

"You're not just saying that because I'll be your queen soon." She joked.

He pulled her closer to him. "You've always been my queen."

Butterflies flew havoc in her stomach. "Was King Raphael mad about his wife last night? Do I need to watch my back?"

"No." He lovingly kissed her shoulder. "I have your back but I do want to get you more security guards."

"No." The idea of more men following her around was more dreading than having her teeth pulled.

"They will be men I trust and you already know. Remember the twins, Jonathan and Henry. You saved their lives at their trial."

She remembered. "You know them?"

"They've proven themselves before when you were dancing with death leaving a bar."

"What?" That she didn't recall.

"You got drunk and they saved you from being ambushed by blood thirsty vampires."

"Oh. That does sound like me."

He kissed her gently and with ultimate purpose; he was undeniably hers. "I need to talk to your security team." He got up and she admired the view from her bed.

"I like waking up to you...shirtless."

"Likewise," he winked.

Deva slid down the sheets, tempting him with her nakedness. "Too bad you have to go."

Her gravitational pull was like nothing he had ever experienced before. All he wanted to do was please her, love her, and make her happy.

Adamarius crawled back into bed; he captured her foot and trailed a path of kisses. His invigorating kisses reached her inner thighs where she shivered in bliss. His tantalizing hot breath teased the entrance of her sex. Instead of indulging in the sin Adamarius kissed her delicate, sensitive flesh.

Deva felt a piercing static shoot to her core. She needed more but before she could persuade him Adamarius was already out of the bed.

"Yes. It is too bad. I'll see you in a little bit." He combed through his hair and bolted for the door before he could talk himself out of leaving.

There was a tall man waiting outside her door. He moved at the same time and in the same direction she was.

"And who are you?"

"Ricardo, your highness." He bowed professionally. "I'm assigned to you."

"By who?"

"King Asher." He was built like a vampire shield, twice her size.

Deva couldn't argue with the King. Soon, she reminded herself, she would be the one making orders.

The majority of the family was in the sunroom discussing what happened at the ball. They were whispering about her, wondering if the assassination attempt had affected her in bad way.

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