Chapter 49

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The next couple of days dragged and the castle got quieter. It felt like everyone was silently mourning or afraid to show any sort of emotion pertaining to happiness. It could have been to hold up appearances so that the public couldn't misread their thoughts of the fallen King. Because sadly the only people that knew Asher well were grateful he was dead.

Lucian had distanced himself and Deva felt responsible. He was the closest to his father of all the children. Asher had showered him in adoring complements and love leaving none for Darius. He would be the person to truly mourn for his father.

The joyous laughter coming from one of the drawing room halted Deva from crossing the hall. She peaked inside to witness for herself the sight of a treacherous wife smiling victoriously at her beloved son.

Emma was glowing and not from the sun shining through the window. She seemed like a different woman entirely; light hearted, carefree, and unstoppable. Deva obviously knew exactly why.

Adamarius poured more tea into his mother's cup. The atmosphere gave Deva chills. Why did she feel as if they had known each other far longer than a few months? Perhaps it was a mother and son bond Deva couldn't possibly understand.

But something was itching at her conscience. Emma had warmed up to her estranged son so quickly. And Adamarius had opened his heart without a second's thought.

"Deva!" Adamarius ran towards her, embracing her with a sweet kiss. "Good morning, your majesty."

His excitement to see her melted the iceberg in her heart. Lately she felt like she was walking on eggshells in front of everyone so she wouldn't offend anymore of her loved ones.

"Good morning." Before she could dive into anything else Deva greeted her future mother in law. "Emma," she nodded in her general direction.

Emma's delicate smile wavered no alternative. She was immorally happy. Deva could only imagine the invigorating freedom she must be feeling.

"You should at least pretend to be mourning your husband, for Lucian's sake."

Her lips puckered to a fine line. "Lucian is doing well. He likes to heal himself by separating from the rest of us. He copes on his own."

Deva took note for future conflicts.

"I've been listening to his thoughts. He's okay Deva and he's not mad at you." Adamarius only wished to lift this one burden from her mind. "Will you join us?"

"It may be your last with me. I plan on leaving soon."

Deva stared at Emma in shock. She assumed she would leave eventually on a quest to find her former lover but didn't expect it to be soon.

"Sparing no second. Do you have any idea where your father might be?"

Adamarius clinched his jaw a moment. "No. I haven't seen him since I was a teenager. I told you he abandoned me."

She didn't mean to raise suspension against him except for she couldn't shake off the traitorous feeling she had on Emma. Could he be involved somehow?

A part of her was thrilled Emma was leaving. She didn't like having people she couldn't trust around her.

"Your majesty, your sisters are waiting for you." Henry had to remind Deva of her appointment.

She thought about staying to drill more questions but could she bear to unravel something she wasn't ready to hear?

"I hope you find what you are looking for."

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