"A half dozen. Only the ones who would be cause for real concern in general population."

"That's a lot of concern."

"Cream of the crop."

"How far down?"

"Three thousand feet."

Richard let out a low whistle. "This the only way in and out?"


"What about a fire escape?"

"No such thing. Everyone burns."


"Admin isn't in the bleeding heart business. These men are kept alive because it has to be that way. No one's going to lose a second of sleep if something bad happens to them."

The elevator slowed with a whoosh and came to a halt. The door opened, revealing a dark cavern lit from above by caged bulbs.

"How old is this place?" Richard asked as they stepped into the hallway. The air was humid.

"Hundreds of years," said Miller. "Used to be a gold mine – Trench was the open pit section. All of the underground was filled in except for this level. It actually went much deeper. Why they didn't put the set up down further is anyone's guess."

A short trip along the corridor brought them to a glass wall. Miller placed his hand on the surface and it slid open. Richard wasn't surprised to see how thick it was.

"When you get to his cell be sure to give him space. While it's safe at any distance you don't want to take a chance. He has access to nothing but you never know what kind of weapon someone with so much spare time can come up with."

"No problem," Richard said with a nod of understanding.

"To make the whole thing simple we painted a line on the floor," Miller continued. "Stay behind it. He'll be wearing bracelets on his wrists. These keep him from crossing but you can never be too sure. It's highly unlikely, but one might malfunction or be tampered with. If he gets too close press the red button on the card I gave you. That will activate the emergency system."

Richard's heart was racing. Now that it was happening he'd begun to second guess his motive for visiting Sands. The whole plan seemed crazy - and Millers wariness did little to help.

They arrived at another glass gate and passed through. On the other side a half dozen metal doors ran the length of a short hallway.

"He's at the far end - number one," said Miller. "When you get there I'll let you in."


"Good luck."

Richard crossed the stone floor with some reluctance - arriving at the cell faster than he would have liked. The door opened. His legs went weak.

Three shaky steps and he was inside. A bright light flicked on and the door closed behind him. Seated on a bench across the room was Sands – still in Gorman's body.

"You know, I only get light for two hours a day," he said. His voice was a croak, an indication it didn't get much use.

Richard searched for the red line on the floor and stayed behind it. Then he looked around the cell. Besides the bench there was a steel toilet and sink. Nothing else.

"Pretty tough to make trouble in this place." Sands chuckled. "Unless I was a Geologist. Then I might be able to come up with something."

The environment had been hard on him. His frame was gaunt beneath a blue jumpsuit and skin sallow. His hair was limp and the sparkle of mischief that always danced in his eyes was gone. Everything he loved had been taken away and left him a broken man.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2018 ⏰

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