Chapter 7

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The wonder on Charlie Nickle's face made Richard grin. They stood on opposite sides of the round room - both naked. Between them were the white chairs and the table with Hotwire cables on it.

"Good to meet you Charlie." Richard held out a hand and crossed toward him, completely unabashed.

Nickle scrambled to meet halfway. "I've never met someone famous before," he announced as they shook.

The comment pushed Richard's grin higher. "Sorry I couldn't meet you in the locker room. My discussion with Alex ran late. Any questions before we begin? There's still a few minutes to chat."

He pointed at the Hotwires. "How does it all work?"

"The procedure or mechanics?"

"Procedure. The nurse said you'd explain before we started."

"You know why we're naked?"

"Clean room conditions?"

"In part. The other is due to skin sensitivity after a transfer. It doesn't last long, maybe five or ten minutes, but most people have a tough time."

"Why wasn't this mentioned earlier?"

"Part of my job. Locum's explain the finer details to a patient because we experience it so often. Anything else?"

Nickle frowned. "Seems like a weak excuse for a process that advertises itself as painless."

"Maybe," Richard said with a shrug. "But I don't write the brochures, I just do the dirty work. If it bothers you that much bring it up with Customer Service before you leave."

This seemed to satisfy Nickle. His frown faded. "How does the rest feel?"

"Weird. I won't lie."

"What part?"

"All of it." Richard ran a hand along the arm of the chair. "When the computer comes on you'll want to stare into space. Then everything clicks off for a split second. You're out and then awake but shifted slightly in the room, which is disorienting. The skin tingling starts right away and builds to an agonizing level in minutes. Nurses will be waiting with the tub you saw in the other room - filled with a green liquid. This stops the pain. They'll help you get in – don't resist. Because of the difference in weight and height you won't be used to the way my body moves."

"So it doesn't take long?"

"Not at all. That's the whole point. You pay for the least amount of inconvenience."

Nickle moved to the other chair. He looked at it with caution. "When do we begin?"

"As soon as you're ready." Richard sat. The leather creaked beneath him. "There's no rush."

"And no point dragging things out." Nickle dropped into his chair. "I'm good to go."

"That's the spirit!"

As if on cue, the door beside Nickle opened and a nurse entered. She was dressed in red scrubs. Her face was obscured by a mask, hair in a net and hands covered in latex gloves. She moved to Richard, picked up a Hotwire and plugged him in. Nickle was next. Her actions were careful around his newly installed socket. When both men were connected she left.

Richard looked at a ceiling camera. "All set?"

"I think so," Nickle said. He was shaking.

"Great!" Richard placed both hands at the end of his chairs arm rests. He squeezed them a little and nodded at the camera.

A loud click sounded. Richard's eyes lost focus and his body stiffened. Nickle's did the same. Then they relaxed. When this happened the nurse in red scrubs returned and unplugged both Hotwires. Two huge orderlies followed her. Each pushed a tub. Bright green liquid sloshed inside. They helped the men out of their chairs, into the tubs and pushed them out different doors.

Neither Richard or Nickle saw each other again.

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