Chapter 10

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For a few months life in Eden was uneventful. Richard focused on getting back in shape – slowly graduating from a weak shuffle around the block to a brisk stroll. The effort melted away some weight and his heart improved. There was still unexplained fatigue, and it remained a concern – although with each passing day it faded a little.

Tom's presence was also an asset. Recovery in Eden always involved two working Locums. The moral support and understanding weren't things anyone else could offer. Routine was also important. Whether it was sitting on the back porch of the little house, talking about old contracts or pushing for more exercise, it made the experience more tolerable. Things were as good as they could be.

Until Jim Maxwell paid a visit.

For the Chief of City Security to break his schedule and see a civilian personally was unheard of. To have him interrupt a Locum's contract – which stipulated no contact from the outside world – had never happened before.

His arrival at the Foundation caused enough of a stir that most sections were shut down. Only operations that were considered an emergency continued. Even though Maxwell would only come in contact with a handful of people his presence was enough to affect concentration.

He was a stern man, with large shoulders and a jutting jaw. Genetics had supplied him with the perfect profile. He was also gifted with a keen mind, an obsession with detail, and a strong dedication to his job. All this had come in handy over the years while he moved through the ranks to his current position – the man who oversaw the safety of sixty million people.

His only request before arrival was visiting with Tom Vector and Richard Sobel alone.

"How was your trip across the City sir?" Jackie said. Her voice wavered. Intimidated, she looked at Maxwell then back at the ground. It had been a surprise when he asked that Richard's Porter accompany him to Eden. The honor was no different than if he was President of World One Council.

"Call me Jim, Dr. Blair," Maxwell replied. Even though his legs were much longer than hers he matched her pace. "And to answer your question, the trip was good. Always nice when you can fly."

"Glad to hear," Jackie said. They rounded the corner and Richard's house came into view.

"Have you noticed anything strange about Dr. Sobel since being put in charge of his care?" Maxwell asked. He slowed. Jackie did the same. Soon they were standing on the sidewalk facing one another.

"Like what?"

"Paranoia, anxiety, that sort of stuff."

Jackie shook her head. "Nothing like that. He's been his usual arrogant self."

"Anyone tell him I'm coming?"

"Absolutely not, as per your instructions."

"I'd like you to remain outside until I'm finished," Maxwell said, then resumed his walk toward the front door.

"Understood," Jackie replied, and stood her place.

When Maxwell reached the door he paused and looked back. "If anything happens you're to call the front desk immediately. I've left instructions with them."

"What sort..." Jackie started and stopped. Maxwell had already disappeared inside.

Tom and Richard were in the kitchen playing Gin when the door opened. Tom leaned back in his chair to look down the hall. When he saw who it was he lost his balance and toppled over.

"Are you okay?" Richard jumped up. His agility had improved.

"Holy shit," Tom whispered from the floor. His eyes followed Maxwell's tall form as he strode into the room. Richard stood at the edge of the table with an expression that matched Tom's sentiment.

Maxwell offered Tom his large hand and helped the small man to his feet. As soon as he was up Tom took a quick step backward.

"Afternoon men," he announced with a nod. His voice boomed in the small kitchen.

"What did we do?" Richard asked.

"Can't be good," Tom muttered.

The room fell silent. Maxwell smirked. His authority often left people in awe. It was the type of power few civilians came in contact with.

"May I?" Maxwell asked. He picked up Tom's chair and pointed to the table.

Richard and Tom nodded in quiet unison.

Maxwell moved the chair to the table and sat. Both men followed.

"Sorry to disturb you like this," he said. "No one's in trouble."

This changed the mood. Wariness was replaced with interest.

"Nor is this a pleasant visit," Maxwell added.

"Whatever the reason, knowing we'll stay out of the Trench sure makes things a lot more pleasant!" Tom exclaimed.

Maxwell set his jaw and turned his full attention to Richard. "You happen to be on anyone's shit list?"

Richard frowned. "Not that I know of. Why?"

"We found Charlie Nickle dead two days ago."

Stunned silence followed.

"So far the investigation hasn't turned up a thing. That's why I came to visit you."

"With all due respect sir, couldn't the lead detective have done that?" Tom asked while Richard stared into space beside him. "Why trouble yourself?"

"Because Security has never dealt with a case like this before."

"I don't follow."

"We believe the death was a homicide. Problem is we're not sure if Charlie Nickle or Richard Sobel was the target due to the swap. Because of such a strange circumstance I want to handle certain things myself."

Tom leaned back in his chair and stared at Maxwell, eyes wide with disbelief. This reaction was mild compared to Richard's, who looked like he'd just been shot in the gut and was wondering what to do about it.

The room stayed quiet. Maxwell let the men absorb what had just been delivered.

"Is it gone?" Richard asked in the voice of a small, terrified child.


"My body, is it dead?"

"Afraid so."

"Holy FUCK!" Richard wailed. He jumped to his feet on chubby, shaking legs and began to pace. "This can't be HAPPENING!"


"This is a joke, right?" Richard yelled. He stared at Maxwell. His lips quivered. "Some kind of BULLSHIT put on by my wife or Uncle to teach me a lesson?!"

"I wish it was."

"FUCK!!" Richard screamed. He picked up his chair and threw it against the wall. Tom dove for cover under the table.

In a flash Maxwell was up and across the room. Before Richard knew what was happening he stabbed a syringe into his neck. This produced a gasp of surprise. Then he collapsed to the floor.

"Thought that might happen," Maxwell muttered. "His file said he's a bit high strung."

Tom stared at his friend's prone body. "Wasn't that excessive?"

"Give me another solution. Could we have talked him down before he destroyed the place or had another heart attack?"

"Probably not."

"I considered all sorts of scenarios before I got here. I'm familiar with Richard's career and personality. I couldn't see it going any other way - which is why I'm alone. Last thing I need is a trigger happy Officer getting startled and accidentally killing him."

"So what now?" Tom asked.

"We figure out what the hell is going on."

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