He turned to the left and strode toward a set of doors. They hissed and slid open.

"Sobel!" shouted a voice when Richard entered the Change Room. A tall, blonde man with a muscular body approached. He wore nothing but a towel around his waist.

"Vector," Richard replied with a grin. "Just finishing up?"

Tom Vector nodded. "Came in early. Have some business to take care of."

"Work or pleasure?"

"Bit of both." Tom admired himself in the mirror as he passed it. Richard did the same. "Have a lady friend across town in need of some satisfaction, then an appointment with Dr. Tarley this afternoon."

"Contract?" Richard asked. They moved further into the humid change room.

"Damn straight!"

"Minimum or Maximum?"

"Minimum," Tom replied. He stepped aside to let someone pass. "A Max would be amazing though. Haven't done one in almost a year. Guess people with deep pockets aren't getting sick."

"They are, just not enough. When Chandler licensed the extra thousand Locums two years ago he diluted the pool. The guy doesn't give a shit how much we make, only that people get served quickly."

They stopped in front of locker 57126. Richard pushed his thumb against a pad on the door. It swung open. The contents were typical – clothing, toiletries and shoes. He began to undress.

"Make your deal this morning?" Richard asked.

"Yesterday. Jim Landers hooked me up. Pretty straight forward – immediate operation and recovery. Looks to be about six months."

"Anyone in today?"

"Sandra Haskins and Bev Polson for the ladies, Phil Turner and Alex Perkins for the men."

"Hear if they've got much?" Richard pulled on a tank top then checked his hair in a mirror on the locker door.

Tom shrugged. "They're pretty quiet. Could mean there isn't much or there might be something big on deck."

"Let's hope for something big. I've got my eye on a Penthouse in the North Sector. One Max would pay for it. Wouldn't have to touch a cent in the bank."

"You could buy a Park with the right Max. Just don't get greedy if someone shoots you an offer. That's how I lost the Filmore deal."

"From a couple months ago?" Richard asked. He checked himself in the mirror once more then closed the locker and turned to Tom. "What was that one again?"

"Gall Bladder."

"And the guy wanted a Max?"

"Couldn't stand the idea of staying in Eden for even a minute."

"More money than brains," Richards muttered and headed for the exit.

"Not something I cared about!" Tom called after him.

Richard cut through a group of men in the middle of conversation. This drew a handful of angry glares. He paid no attention.

The activity in the gym had increased. Most of the machines were occupied, with line ups for some. The busiest were those nearest the Juice Bar. All the clients using them were young and making sure to work for attention. Seated at one of the tables were a group of men and women in suits - agents. They scanned the room.

Richard paused to watch then proceeded to ignore them. It was a tactic he used to great success. Appearing desperate was disgusting and he knew the suits agreed. Time and again they passed over a healthy, fit young Doctor in favour of a lean, older one. The senior Locums might not be as physically desirable for the patient but they were far more mature. Experience always beat appearance. At the end of the day some still felt the process was about medicine and getting the best care possible.

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