Part 12

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Warning: This chapter does contain a smut part. If you don't want to read it, just skip that part. Otherwise, enjoy!

I wake up in my bedroom still remembering last night, telling Ashley I love her. I smiled at the thought of it. I walk to Ashley's room to see if she's sleeping she is. She fell asleep in my arms last night and I carried her bridal style to her new room. She looks adorable when she sleeps. I went downstairs and attempted to make breakfast, but failed. I was gonna make breakfast for Ashley, but I just burnt the pancakes, but the fruit turned out ok so I'll just put that on a plate for her. "What smells burnt?" Ashley asks sleepily. Her sleepy voice so adorable! "I tried cooking for you." I respond. She gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, but don't ever do this again your gonna burn the whole condo down." she says. I laugh and kiss her back. "So what's on the agenda today?" She asks. "Um... I think I have a concert later so we can go out for lunch." I respond. She nods her head while stuffing her face full of banana and watermelon. "Ok go get ready and we'll go to the beach?" I ask her. "Yes I was hoping you would take me there." she shouts as she runs upstairs.

-Ashley- I run upstairs and put my bathing suit on, its a bikini it basically just a simple light blue bikini with strings hanging from the side of the bottoms. I put on a black lace crop top with jean shorts and orange flip flops. Then I just leave my hair down and pinned my bangs to the side. Finally I go downstairs and try to find Austin, but he's nowhere to be found so I look around the condo for him. "Austin?" I yell. I decide to go back into my room to text Austin and ask where he's hiding. Right when I'm about to text him I hear someone come up behind me. "Why you texting me when I'm right here?" "Because I couldn't find you that's why, why do you always do that?" I ask. I turn around and face Austin. "Because I like surprising you here." Austin says handing me a box. "What's this?" I ask. "Open it." he instructs. I open the box and there's the most gorgeous necklace I've ever seen. It was just a chain leading down to a diamond just a simple diamond, but it was gorgeous. "Austin you didn't?" I ask. "Yes I did your wearing that to my concert tonight because after my concert I'm taking you out to dinner." he responds. "When did you buy this?" I ask. "When you were getting ready, you took forever." he says while I punch him lightly. "Thank you I love you." I say. "I love you too."

-Austin- I told Ashley I was gonna take her to dinner and I was, but I had another thing planned that I was going to do during the concert. "You ready to go the beach?" she asks. I nod my head and we leave for the beach. I've never seen Ashley in a bikini yet so I was excited. We arrive at the beach, order some pizza, dr. pepper and sit down on the warm sand. "Gosh it's hot here in Miami." Ashley says while taking off her clothes and stripping down to her bikini. I gotta say she looks so hot in a bikini, she's not to skinny she's not fat she's perfect in my book. I didn't notice I was starring at her when she snapped her fingers in front if my face. "W-what?" I ask. "You're starring at me it's not nice to stare." she jokes. "Sorry you just look whoa no words!" I say. She rolls her eyes. Suddenly I hear whistles from the other side of the beach, then I realize Ashley is standing up and bending over putting sunscreen on her legs. I wasn't kidding when I said she has cute ass. "Hey baby did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" a guy asks. I get up in disgust. "Why are you talking to my girlfriend?" I ask defensively. "Oh she's your girlfriend how does a girl like her end up with a guy like you?" he says. I then punch the guy in the face and grab Ashley bridal style so we can leave. "What was that?" she asks. "He was making me angry, nobody gets to stare or talk to you like that, but me!" I shout. "Awe did Austin get jealous?" she cooed. "Yes I did let's go home." I respond.

**at condo**

-Ashley- I can't believe Austin punched that guy in the face he deserved to be punched though. Austin was in the shower getting ready for his concert and I was getting ready for the concert as well. I decided to wear a dress that was white on the top, had brown belt and had roses and a blue background on the bottom part, all topped off with cowboy boots. I just crimped my hair and pinned my bangs back as usual. "Baby you ready?" I hear Austin yell from downstairs. I walk downstairs and as usual he stares at me. "Where your necklace?" he asks. "I got it. Will you put it on?" I ask. He grabs the necklace and gently puts it on my neck. "You look beautiful." he says with a smile. I blush and put my head down so he doesn't see. "You ready?" he asks. I nod my head and we head to Austin's concert. The sound check is going great he answers all if the Mahomies questions truthfully. I'm just standing there with Alex, Robert, and Zach when Austin blows me a kiss and shouts "I love you baby!" His fans all shout awe. The soundcheck is now over and it's time for the concert I'm so proud of Austin! I'm back stage watching and listening to Austin until I hear something a little bit unusual. "Ok ok hang on guys I'd like to call someone very special on stage right now." I hear Austin say. What was he talking about? "You all have heard of my beautiful girlfriend Ashley right?" he shouts to the crowd. I could feel my face getting red what does he think he's doing? "So I would like to call my beautiful girlfriend Ashley up here, come here baby!" Austin shouts. Suddenly I'm pushed out on the stage by Austin. I just stand there in shock I've never really been in front of a huge crowd. "I'd like to introduce my girlfriend to you guys say hi!" he shouts out to the crowd. My face is beat red by now. I can't believe Austin would do this I mean it's really sweet, but I knew he could tell I was nervous. "I love you so much Ashley, your the best thing that has ever happened to me and I hope you know that." he says. "I love you too Austin, I love you so much." Right after I say that all his fans say awe again. Then his fans start chanting "kiss" over and over. So I stare at Austin and before I can say anything he kisses me, this kiss was better than all the others it felt like I just died and came back to life. I know not a good explanation, but what can I say that's what it felt like.

**after concert**

-Austin- That had to be the best kiss of all time between Ashley and I. I meant those words I said to her she's my everything and I love her. I took her to a restaurant that we would both love Olive Garden! "Austin I still can't believe you did that I love you so much." she says. "Well you can believe it because I did." I say kissing her cheek. So we sit down at Olive Garden and eat our food and afterwards we go home. When we get to the condo my mom left a note saying that she would be gone until tomorrow morning and not to do anything. "My moms not gonna be home until tomorrow morning so we have the condo to ourselves." I say with a smirk. "Ok I'm gonna go change..." I cut her off. "Can I help you?" I ask. "Austin!" she yells. "Sorry sorry." I say with my head down. Then Ashley grabs my shirt and drags me upstairs. She drags me to her room and before I can say or ask what she is doing she starts kissing me, so I kiss back and it turns into a make out session. She slowly takes my shirt off and I realize tonight is the night. She places soft kisses down my chest, only making me want her more. I push Ashley up against the wall and grip her hips tightly. "I want you." She whispers into my ear. I reach behind her and undo her bra, placing kisses on her breasts as I do so. She moans slightly as I slip a finger on the hem of her panties. I smirk and take them off all the way. Ashley takes my hand and drags me to the bed. She sits on top of me placing more kisses on my chest. She seductively takes off my boxers. I stop her for a moment. "Ashley, are you sure?" I ask. She nods her head. She teasingly licks my member making me moan for more. Ashley sucks my member until I decide it's her turn. I lay her down and hover over her. I gently rub my hands over her chest and lick her breasts. I send kisses all the way down to her clit. As I rub her clit, I kiss her lips softly. Finally I gently push my cock into Ashley. We both moan loudly. Going slow at first, I take her hands and place my forehead against hers. I start to go faster and harder. "Fuck, you're so tight Ashley!" I yell. Ashley bites her bottom lip and moans. She tightly grabs my bicep, making me go faster. Ashley sits up as I thrust into her and digs her nails into my back holding me tightly. "Ugh, A-Austin I'm gonna cum!" She moans. Right after she finishes her sentence we both reach our high. I flip over on the other side of her and cuddle up next to her. Pulling the sheet around Ashley and I, I nuzzle my head into her neck. "I love you Ashley." "I love you too Austin." she responds and I explode inside. I love this girl and tonight I got to show her how much.


I know this chapter was long, but I didn't feel like splitting it up into 2 chapters so yeah. I hope you liked this chapter and the ending. 😏 Plz keep reading and plz comment what you think about my story! thanks! :)

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