Part 11

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I wake up to Austin shaking my shoulder lightly. "We're in Miami!" He says. I smile, I couldn't wait to move in with Austin. "So you think your ready to move in with me?" Austin asks. "I think I can handle living with you." I say giving him a kiss on the cheek. He smiles, man I love his smile it makes my day 10 times better. We head to his condo and it's huge! The first thing I notice is his kitchen. Of course I would notice his kitchen first being I love food. Even though it's not a house it's still a huge condo! Austin interrupts my thoughts. "Wanna see your room?" Austin asks. I have my own room geeze this place is even bigger than I thought. I might be over exaggerating about it's size, but it was bigger than my house! Austin leads me up to a room that is pretty decent sized it's a little smaller than my room, but it's nice. The walls are painted a bright orange, he knows me so well. There is a queen sized bed, a dresser, a decent sized closet, and a tv. "Do you like it?" Austin asks. "I love it." I respond. "Good I'm glad you like it now let's go get some food I'm starving. Where you wanna go?" He asks. "Um subway?" I respond. He nods his head. "Can I freshen up before we go?" I ask. He nods his head again and leaves the room. I open my suitcase and try to pick out a new outfit. I look at my clothes and realize I brought most of my warm clothes, like my sweaters and stuff, I'm in Miami I'm gonna die from being to hot. So I just change my shirt, put some flip flops on, and put my hair in a side braid. "Hey babe?" I ask. "Yes baby?" he responds. "I just realized we packed my warm clothes and not my summer clothing." I say. "That's ok I can buy you new clothes." he says. I hate when people buy me things it makes me feel guilty. "Austin your not buying me a whole new wardrobe you can't." I say. "Well to bad we're going to subway then going shopping." "Fine let's go." I say. So we get to subway which takes about 15 minutes due to traffic. We go into subway, get our subs and sit down. "Do you like Miami so far?" Austin asks. "Um... yeah it's just I haven't seen much of it yet." I respond. "Well we're just gonna have to do something about that now aren't we?" he asks. I laugh as we leave subway and go to the mall. By time we leave I have at least 20 bags, and yes Austin is carrying like 18 of them, hey he insisted. Every store we went in he had me model the clothes for him when I got out of the dressing room. I told him to give his honest opinion, and come to my surprise he did, saying "nah I don't like that on you," or saying "Zayumm you look hot!" We get to his condo and I unpack all the new clothes he bought me he is so sweet. I change into basketball shorts and a white t-shirt and head downstairs. Austin's  sitting on the couch watching tv. "Hey baby I wanna thank you again for buying me clothes." I say. "No problem you can repay by getting your cute little ass over  here and cuddle with me." he says. Did he just call my ass cute? Okay. So I did what he said and went to the couch. "You wanna watch a movie?" he asks. "Yeah sure what one?" I ask. "Um... how about the new ninja turtles movie?" he says. I nod my head and go to the kitchen. "What are you doing?" I hear Austin ask. "You got popcorn?" I ask. He nods his head as I get the popcorn and put it in the microwave. After that we watch the movie as we both cuddle and eat popcorn on the couch. My eyes start to get heavy and I soon fall asleep. Before I go to sleep I hear Austin whisper in my ear "Ashley?" he asks. "Yes?" I say sleepily. "I- I love you." I can't believe he said that I've been waiting for him to say that. "I love you too." I say before drifting off to sleep.


I hope you guys liked this chapter! It wasn't the most interesting chapter, but I guess it's just telling you about Miami. Plz keep reading and comment what you think about it! Thanks :)

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