Part 10

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Ok so I decided to keep writing this story so plz keep reading! Thank you :)

-Austin- I wanted Ashley to say yes, but I didn't want to rush her why is this so complicated? I have waited two days I'm hoping I'll get an answer from her today.

-Ashley- I've been thinking really hard about this and I've talked to my parents about it, my mom said it's fine my dad even said so to, but he didn't seem to thrilled about it. I don't know what it is I don't know if I want to move to Miami with Austin or not. Austin was picking me up in an hour so I hopped in the shower blow dried my hair and curled it so I have lose curls. I didn't know where he was taking me so I just picked out some skinny jeans, a grey sweater with a light pink scarf, all topped off with light brown Uggs. I was ready to go right when I was about to head outside and wait for Austin my mom stops me. "Ashley we need to talk real quick come here and sit down." Oh no talks with my mom are almost never good. "Yes?" I ask. "Honey have you decided what you wanna do yet?" she asks. "Mom can we talk later Austin is gonna be here any minute." I respond. She gives me a stern look. "Ashley, Austin is not gonna want to wait around his whole life waiting for an answer." my mom says. My mom had a point I couldn't keep Austin waiting I had to tell him my answer. "Ok I'll tell him my answer once I actually have one!" I shout. "Ashley if you really like Austin you'll say yes, if you don't think the relationship will last then say no." she says. I was about to say something, but Austin beeped his car horn that was the signal he was here. "Hello sweet thang ready for our date?" Austin asks. "Why yes I am hot stuff." I reply. Austin doesn't blind fold me this time, but I still didn't know where he was taking me. We finally arrive at a park. "We're here." Austin says. Austin and I walk through the park until I find he's taking me on a hot air balloon ride. I am terrified of heights, but I have Austin so I should be fine right? "Oh Austin this is so sweet." I say as I give him a kiss on the cheek. "Shall we?" Austin asks. "We shall." I respond. We start going up and I realize how high up we are. Oh gosh maybe I should have told Austin I was scared of heights. Why do I have to be such a little baby gosh! "Are you okay?" he asks. "Umm... yeah it's just I'm just scared of heights a little bit." I reply. Austin's smile is wiped off his face. "I-I'm sorry it should've known now this is gonna suck for you I'm sorry." "Austin it's ok as long as I got you I'll be fine." I say. Austin's smile returns. "While we're up can we talk about Miami?" I ask. Austin nods his head. "Okay so my parents both said yes." I say. "Does that mean your moving to Miami with me?" Austin asks excitedly. "I didn't say that." I say. "What do you mean by that?" Austin asks. "Austin believe me I want to, but what if we don't work out and then..." Austin cuts me off. "Ashley I'm not gonna let that happen if I didn't like you I wouldn't be here right now, I wouldn't have been going crazy in Miami when I had to leave you now would I?" He says. I start to cry. Why am I such an emotional person? "No, no you wouldn't." After that I burst into tears and hugged him. "So is that a yes?" He asks. "Yes it's a yes." Austin then crashes his lips against mine and my stomach feels like it's doing flips. I'm so happy to have Austin in my life how did a girl like me get Austin? I didn't realize how much I loved Austin until now.


-Austin- I couldn't believe Ashley was moving to Miami with me. So we head to her house so we can pack all her things. "Austin we don't need to bring all my stuff just most of it." she says. I was shoving all her stuff in her suitcase when I felt hands come up behind me and then up my chest. It was Ashley. "Let's take a break." she whispers in my ear. I turn around and kiss her softly. Then there's a knock at her door. "Come in!" she shouts. It is her dad. "Do you need help packing?" he says. "Um we're fine thanks though." she replies. "Actually I wanna talk to Austin for a second." he says. Uh oh this can't be good. He takes me into the hallway. "Listen the only reason I gave my daughter permission to live with you is because I knew she would be happy, so as long as you keep her happy then we won't have a problem." he says. "Yes sir." I say. "Oh and no funny business." he adds in. I nod my head and head back into the room. "What did he say?" Ashley asks. "Nothing let's just finish packing." I respond. After we're done packing we leave for the airport. Somehow we managed to fit almost all her stuff in 2 suitcases. i can't wait to have Ashley with me in Miami. "Austin?" "Yes?" I reply. "This is gonna work out right?" she asks. I was wondering the same thing I hope it does I really hope it does, I mean I love Ashley to death so it better work out. "Of course it will." I reply. She puts her head on my shoulder and falls asleep as we're on our way to Miami.


I hope you guys like it so far! plz keep reading and could you plz tell other people to read it. Thanks :)

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