Season 9: Episode 3

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Based on S9E3

Ricks POV
I woke up and I let Michonne sleep in. I got out the room and I heard Judith coughing. I went in her room and felt her head and I didn't feel a fever.

I went into Logan's room. She was sleeping so peaceful and she slept with her hat again like always. I stroked her bandage to feel any excessive sweat like always. Logan woke up. "Dad?" She called.

"What is it Log?" I asked.

"Why are you up?" Logan asked.

"Gonna check on a few things. Do you want to come?" I asked.

"Yes please" Logan said as she got up and put her hat on and was apparently up before I was she was ready to go.

Logan went out before me. I stopped at the steps and I looked at the handprints that Judith, Carl, and Logan made. And I headed out with Logan. Logan and I were checking on the tomato plants. I found one tomato that was ripe and I picked it. Then we both went to see Carl. Logan sat down and was thinking about him. As we were leaving Carl's gravesite Logan tipped her hat and we went back to the house. Logan went into her room to rest a little more as I checked on michonne.

"Keeping this place safe, figuring out how to make it better." I told Michonne.

"Speaking of Judith has a cough." Michonne said.

"Yeah, I already checked.No fever, so probably just the cough." I said.

"I'm gonna take her to Siddiq just in case." Michonne said.

"I'll join you. And Logan needs her eye checked out anyway. We're gonna have to promise a family fun day just to get her to step foot in there. She's so much like Logan" I said.

"Aren't you and Logan headed back right away?" Michonne asked.

"Oh, we can take the day. We can.
Last report, things were good. Maggie will be there soon, thanks to you. She can hold down the fort for a while.Right?" I asked.

"It's just, Maggie is trying, I know she is.
But she's still angry.And so's Daryl.Maybe others." Michonne said.

"Well, you want me to go?" I asked.

"I want it to work." Michonne said.

"Oh, it will. It will.
Even if everyone isn't all in yet. They'll get there" I said.
"Just like we did. Just like you and Logan." I said.

"Yeah.Okay." Michonne said.

"Thank you." I said.

"For what?" Michonne asked.

"For everything you've done. For everything you're doing.For you.Why don't you take a break?" I asked.

"You want me to stop working?" Michonne asked.

"Uh Yeah." I said.

"You want me to stop creating the foundations of a new civilization?" Michonne asked.

"Well, I can think of another way to build for the future." I said.

"Yeah?" Michonne asked.
"For the future"

We both were kissing and just loving each other.

We all got dressed to go see Siddiq.
"Come on Judy" Logan said.

"No Gan" Judith said.

We all walked in anyway.

"What brings you here?" Siddiq asked.

"Judith has a little cough and I know it's gonna be scary and I just want Logan's eye on check and her vision." I said.

"Well Judith how about we let your dad go first and you can see how okay it is and I will be gentle and then it will be your turn" Siddiq said.

"And we promise a family fun day right after this." I said.

I went on the table and I breathed it and out and it made Judith laugh. Judith finally went on the table to get checked out.

Logan's POV
It was my turn to get checked out for my shot out eye and to check vision problems with the patch on.

"Ok Logan take off your bandage." Siddiq said.

"Remember Judith your sis has a big boo boo so don't be alarmed" Rick said.

I sighed and I took off my bandage.
"Ok you know what Logan do you feel pain?" Siddiq asked.

"Uh not really not much when I wear the bandage it applies pressure and it helps." I said.

"Well here's a new bandage. And here's cream to help the dry skin around the eye." Siddiq said.
I put the new bandage on after putting more cream on. "Ok tell me how is your vision with it on?"

"Actually Logan made a pretty good shot the other day. The day that Aaron got his arm stuck she shot at the ropes of the logs and killed all the walkers." I said.

"Well that is good. I just want to be sure that she is not having any trouble seeing." Siddiq said.

"She is actually better." Michonne said "she use to bump into the walls."

"Michonne!" I yelled.

"It's ok Logan. It's normal but I'm glad everything is good for all of you folks." Siddiq said. after a few tests of how my vision is working with one eye. We finally got to go.

"Family fun day" Rick said.
We all got out. And Michonne and Dad pulled Judith up. And we played hide and seek in the garden. And Dad got Judith and me and he grabbed us.

Then we had a race in the house and of course I haven't been on a low level in forever and bumped in the wall. We had a picnic and everything it was so much fun. And I couldn't remember the last time I had fun like that. Dad was reading Judith the Wizard of Oz until someone came up to talk to Dad and Michonne. After talking Dad told me to come with him.

"Gan?" Judith called.

"I will be back Judy" I said. And I got on my horse.
Everyone was fighting again and everyone was wondering who killed Justin. After everyone parted ways. Dad took me to see Daryl.

"Did you see anything?" Rick asked.

"You think I'm hiding something? Go ahead.
Ask." Daryl said.

"That wound on Justin looks like a puncture.
I wondered if it could be from a knife, but it's small, round, and clean. Smaller and cleaner than a bullet hole.It kind of looks like an arrow hit him.
Or a bolt." Rick said.

"Is this the kind of shit you used to do?" Daryl asked.

"When  He had to." I said.
My dad stopped me from going towards Daryl.

"You really think I did it?" Daryl asked.

"No.But others do.So I'm making sure." Rick said.

"If I'd have killed him, I'd have killed him in plain sight. I don't know who it is, but I know why, and so do you and Logan.  Bringing all these people together, it was always gonna happen." Daryl said.

"No.It's the right thing to do.The future belongs to all of us now." Rick said.

"Why do they get this future? And Glenn don't? Or Abraham? Or Sasha? All the people the Kingdom lost Hilltop Oceanside? You ever think about what they want? What they'd do, if they could?" Daryl asked.

"Yeah, I do. I have.For a long time, I wanted it, too, maybe more than anyone. But killing each other when the world already belongs to the dead? It's not the way, not anymore." Rick said.

"We should go work that grid." Daryl said.

"Daryl, I know you don't agree with everything we're doing here.All I ask is that you try. Do it.
Let people see it. And maybe everyone moves past what's happened to what could happen and maybe, just maybe, it'd be one of the best decisions you ever made." Rick said.

"Like not killing my father who left your brother on a rooftop to die." Logan said as we both walked away.

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