Season 3: Episode 12

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Based on S3E12
Carl's POV
Dad decided to go somewhere. Logan and I wanted to go with him and he took  Michonne to our hometown. I wasn't thrilled and Logan wasn't either but she remembered that if we ever went back to our home town dad would get the spare hat like mine and give it to her.
We noticed a man yelling and telling us to stop. Logan looked back but I turned her head.
We soon got stuck in the mud and walkers came at our window.
Dad pulled his gun out.
"Cover your ears." Rick said. He got something and told Logan and I to get out.

"Yeah, this'll work." Rick said.

"Tell me when." Michonne said.

"Hey.Put something under the car like this with a little gravel and sticks.It gives you traction." Rick said.

"Wouldn't have to do it if she didn't get us stuck." I said.

"It was an honest mistake." Rick said.

"Why'd you let her come?" I asked.

"She took you to Woodbury and you said she just split on you. And Oscar died and you guys-- -" Logan said.

"It wasn't that simple.I asked her to come today.
I didn't want to leave her at the prison if I wasn't there, not with Merle.That and we got common interests.For right now, we have the same problems.
So maybe we can work on them together." Rick said.

"Just for right now?" Logan and I asked together.

Dad laughed at us.

"Yeah, just for right now." Rick said. We saw the man running towards us again.
"Hey! Help me! I'm begging you! Don't leave! Please! Hey! Don't leave! Please! Let's go.I'm okay! Please! Please! Help me! Stop!" The man yelled.
We got out the mud and we were off again.

We got to dads station and all the amo and guns were taken. And dad got mad and Logan hid behind me.
"Daddy?" Logan called.

"What is it Log" Rick said.

"You promised" Logan said.
Dad went to another room and found his first hat it was as worn out as mine. Dad put the hat on Logan I admit she looked so adorable. I didn't say it out loud but she knew I was thinking it.
My dad just stood there.

"You got any other police stations in town?" Michonne asked.

"I was the police here. Me and a few other guys.
It ain't a big town.There's other places to check.
May not have as many guns as were in here, but--" Rick said.

"We need as many guns as were in here. Ammo too" Michonne said.

"Yeah, we do.But right now, I only got a line on a couple.There's a few places out on the main street-- bars, a liquor store.Owners had a gun or two behind the counter that people didn't know about.I did.
I signed the permits.They might still be there.
Do you have a problem with that approach?" Rick asked.

"No, Rick.I don't have a problem." Michonne said. She gave dad a bullet. Logan and I just stood there.
We walked past a wall that said away with you.
We saw something weird in the middle of the road.

"What is it?" Michonne asked.

"I don't know." Rick said.

"It looks like someone's already make this theirs." Michonne said.

"Doesn't mean they found what we're looking for.
Couple of the places are just up ahead. Let's get in and get the hell out of here.There.Tyrell's.
A shotgun and two handguns. License issued to Tyrell Debbs." Rick said.
We kept walking and Logan tugged my shirt because a walker was coming. Michonne went to kill the walker.

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