Season 2: Episodes 11-13

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Based on S2E11-S2E13
Carl's POV
Everyone was tense about Randall and they tried to figure out a way to get rid of him. Logan and I followed Shane to the barn.

"So he's a kid?" I asked.

"He ain't a kid.Just-- That's a figure of speech." Shane said.

"Can we see him?" Logan asked.

"No.Look, twins this is-- this is grown-up stuff, all right? You just-- you just let us handle this" Shane said.

Later Logan and I were on the top part of the barn and we were looking at Randall.
Randall looked up and saw us.

"Hey.That's a sweet hat.I'm Randall.
What's your name? The sheriff guy That your dad? I like him.Yeah, he's a good guy.I can tell.
Your mom out here too? You're-- you're lucky you still got your family.I lost mine.
Hey, I-- I don't know what people been saying about me, but I didn't do nothing.I swear.
Your dad was gonna let me go till his friend started fighting with him.It got pretty bad.
I-- I was kinda worried.
My camp, we got lots of supplies.
You two can help me, I'll take you two and your folks back to my people.We'll take good care of you.
Keep you safe.Just gotta-- Just gotta help me get out of here, okay? Just help me pick these locks or find the key, okay? Come on, please? Please?" Randall asked.
Logan and I started to help Randall out and the door opened.

"What the hell are you doing in here? What did you say to them? What did you say to them huh?" Shane asked.

" I didn't say nothing." Randall said.

"Hey, hey." Andrea said.
Shane got a gun to Randall.

"Let me tell you something I will shoot you where you sit." Shane said.

"Okay Shane, not now." Andrea said.

Open your mouth.Open your mouth." Shane said.

"Shane." Andrea called.

"You like talking, man? You like talking?!" Shane yelled.

"Back off! Shane" Andrea yelled.
Shane looked at both of us.

"Get your ass out this door. Let's go twins" Shane said. And he got us out of the barn.
"The hell you doing?"

"Please don't tell our parents." Logan said.

"Carl Logan that ain't cool, twin. You two could've gotten hurt in there." Shane said.

" We can handle ourselves." I said.

"Let me tell you two something-- you do not go near him again.Do you hear me? Damn it." Shane said.

"You won't tell our parents, will you?" I asked.

"Carl Logan Twins, this This isn't about getting in trouble, okay? A guy like that, he will say anything to you.He'll try to make you feel sorry for him.
He'll try to make you get your guard down.
You let your guard down out here, people die.
Now, just-- Do me a favor, Twins-- Go find your ma.
Go on." Shane said.
We both started walking and Shane called for us.
"Carl, Logan quit trying to get yourself killed, twins."

We looked and we both walked back.
We were both at Sophia's grave and we were both sad. Carol came up to us.

"You know, we'll see Sophia again in heaven some day.She's in a better place." Carol said. Logan and I got mad.

"No, she's not." Logan said.

"Heaven is just another lie, and if you believe it, you're an idiot." I said and I took Logan's hand and we walked away.

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