Season 3: Episodes 8-11

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Based on S3E8-S3E11
Carl's POV

We were all in the cells and Hershel came up to Logan and me.

Finally got Judith to sleep.
"How are we with formula?" I asked.

"We have enough to last us another month.
I'll take Carol for some more at the end of the week." I said.

"Your dad and the others will be back by then." Beth said.

"We don't know that." Logan said.

"Right now, Judith and Logan are the only family I got." I said. We heard screaming far off.

"What was that?" Beth asked.

"That was from inside." Hershel said.

"Was that Carol?" Logan asked.

"She's out keeping watch in the guard tower with Axel." Hershel said.

"What if they came back in for something? What if they're in trouble?"'Beth asked.

"Let's check the tower, see if she's there." Hershel said.

"How could anyone else get in?" Beth asked.

"The tombs are filled with walkers that wandered in from outside.Someone else could have done the same thing." Hershel said.

"I'm going." I said.
"Me too" Logan said.

"I can't let you go down there." Hershel said.

"My father would go." I said.

Logan and I took a flashlight and our guns and we walked down the hall.
We then heard screaming and saw people fighting off the walkers.

"No, no, no, no!" Someone said.

"Come on! Hurry!" I yelled. The people started following us.
They wanted to bring someone but she was bit and we had to keep her away from everyone else.

We got everyone to the safer place of the prison.
One of there people were already dead from her bite.

"Oh, God! Donna? Is she dead? Is she dead? Baby?" Someone said.

"I'll take care of it." I said and Logan tugged my shirt.

"Whoa! Whoa, kid. Wait a minute." Someone else said.

"She doesn't have that long." I explained.

"Who the hell are you? How did you get in here? Who are you with?" Someone asked.

"Look, we can help you. First things first." I said.

"No, we take care of our own." Tyresse said.

"No, Tyreese!" Someone yelled.

"I gotta do it.Look, just take Ben and lean against the wall.It'll be quick.It's okay.It's okay." Tyresse said.
I took Logan with me to other part of the prison and we locked them up.

"Hey, what are you doing? Kid, did you just lock us in here? Open the door." the other woman said

"This room is secure.You'll be safe." I said.

"You have food and water." Logan said.

"Open this door." The other woman said.

"I can't." I said.

"We're not animals.Don't do this." The other woman said.
Logan and I looked at her.

"Hey! You can't just leave us in here! Open this door! Open it! Now!" The other woman yelled.

"Sasha! Back away from their door and let the man go.Look around you.This is the best we've had it in weeks.His house.We got other things to do.We don't want any trouble." Tyresse said.

"Shouldn't we help them?" Beth asked.

"We did" Logan said.

We all walked away from The everyone.
And after Tyresse and Sasha explained what happened to them and Hershel explained to them that he didn't have a say so of letting them stay and I locked the door again.

Logan and I were outside and Carol was with us.
"It's so quiet.It's easy to forget how loud the world used to be.I used to complain about it all the time.
Traffic, construction, car alarms, noise pollution.
Oh.What I wouldn't give for the sweet sound of a jumbo jet.It'd be even sweeter if we were all on it.
Your mom was proud of you twins" Carol said.

"For what? Being mean to her?" I asked.

"No, you can't think about that." Carol said.

"It's all we think about." Logan said.
We are cars coming up to the gate.

"Please be them." Logan said.

"It's them." I said.

We got them to the gate and we closed the gate. Dad came out and Logan and I hugged him. "Oh thank god" Rick said.

We all got inside and dad saw the other people and they asked if they could stay. My dad looked at a direction and started yelling.
Logan his behind me. As everyone backed away as my dad was yelling.
Dad was outside and he was going insane. Glenn was trying to find a way to get back to Woodbury so he could get to the Governor.
Glenn was impatient with Hershel and Logan and I looked at everyone.

"Carl, Logan, you two and I will go down to the tombs.We need to figure out where the breach is." Glenn said.

"You got it." I said.

Glenn was talking with Maggie. Logan was watching.
"Mr Rhee?" Logan called.

Glenn turned around and held Logan still. "Logan it's Glenn okay?" Glenn said.

"Glenn!" Maggie yelled.
Logan broke free from Glenn and ran to Maggie.

"Come on Logan" Glenn said.

"No!" Logan yelled.
Glenn left and just took me.

After a while we were trying to figure out places to keep safe and there was attack at the prison and it's was the governor attacking. And it was horrible and we lost more people. Merle and Daryl came back. The prison had more walkers again. We all got inside.

Dad was on watch and Logan and I went out to see him.

"You two shouldn't be out here." Rick said.

"I'm a good shot. And so is Logan" I said.

"Yes, you two are." Rick said.

"Hey, Dad? Yeah? If I say something, will you promise not to be mad?" I asked.

"I won't get mad." Rick said.

"You should stop." I said.

"Stop what?" Rick asked.

"Being the leader.
Let Hershel and Daryl handle things." I said.

"You deserve a rest." Logan said.
We both walked away.

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