Season 6: Episode 16

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Based on S6E16
Carl's POV
Dad finally came back with everyone and it was good but Maggie was having pains and we had to get her to the hilltop.
Logan and I went to the armory to get guns and Enid followed us in.
"Glenn's still not back.I need to be there for Maggie." Enid said

"I said no." I said.

"Carl." Enid said.

"Look, you were wrong before.This place isn't too big to protect.And you need to stay back and help protect it." Logan said.

"This place is ready. Most of us have been trained, you two know that. If you two were worried about an attack, you wouldn't be leaving." Enid said.

"You know how far the Hilltop is?" I asked.

"You know what could happen?" Logan asked.

"Those Saviors are out there.You know what they did to Denise, what they tried to do with Maggie and Carol, to Daryl, to Rosita, to Eugene.That's not happening to you, all right? I'm not gonna let it." I

"Why you letting your sister go?" Enid asked.

"Wherever I go Logan goes" I said while getting more stuff.

"You want to run into them, right? You hope they show up." Enid said.
Logan and I gave Enid a stare at her.
"Jesus, this is about getting Maggie to a doctor, not about Screw you twins I'm going."

"Enid, stop.Just wait." I said.
Enid was getting mad at Logan and me.

"Get out of my way.Carl! Logan!" Enid yelled.

"Just grab some pistols from the closet.But hurry." I said.

"We've gotta go now." Logan said.
Enid went into the closet and Logan shut the door.

"Carl! Logan! Twins!Damn it!" Enid yelled.
"Carl! Carl! What happens if you don't come back? How am I supposed to live with that? What the hell am I supposed to do?"

"Just survive somehow." I said to Enid and I grabbed the stuff and Logan and I headed out.

We were all on the road and Abraham was driving. I was handing Logan her gun and her holster and we loaded them up just in case. Abraham stopped in the road and we saw people in the middle of the road. Dad decided to get out and talk. Logan and I went along also.
Someone said that we had to give all of our stuff or someone was gonna get killed. Dad decided to turn around and take another way.

We were stopping to see where we needed to go. Logan and I were with Maggie and Aaron. Logan was watching the walker that was walking.

"Why didn't you stay back and help guard the place?" I asked Aaron.

"I owe her." Aaron said.

"Why did you Twins come?" Aaron asked.

"We owe them." Logan said with smile.
We drove more and when we got to another path. There were more Saviors waiting for us.

"We making our stand?" Sasha asked.

"Yeah, we end it." Logan and I said.

"No, not now.They've been waiting.
They're ready.With one of us behind the wheel, that's five on 16.We're gonna play it our way, how we want it.Right?" Rick asked.

"Right." Logan said.
Logan nudged me.
"Right" I said.

We turned the RV around and went another way. The other way we went there were too many walkers so we all got out and we cleared the walkers. We walked down the road more and there was a pile up of wood.
Then we heard someone yelling and someone got hanged. Aaron wanted to make an effort to shoot at the chain but dad didn't want him to and told him to save the bullets so Logan and I stood there and watched this man suffer to his death.

We went back to the RV we had no choice but to travel on foot. Dad made Logan and Me to get walkers while they carried Maggie to the Hilltop.
Logan and I got a walker. And we caught up with dad.

"Logan and I heard what you told her when we were leaving.We can do anything, 'cause we'll do anything we need to do." I said.

"We have and we will.What happened to Denise, I'm not gonna let anybody die like that again." Logan said.

Soon we heard a lot of whistling and we walked a little faster and then we got into an open road and we were all trapped we didn't know what to do.
The same man we saw earlier was taunting us and told us to give us the guns and no exceptions.

The man came up to us and was teasing us we had their guns and he flicked my hat and Logan's hat.

They had us all go on our knees and we all waited to see what the man was talking about. Someone came out of the RV and he was holding a barbed wire bat. His name was Negan and he named his bat Lucille.

He was not happy for what dad did and he said that Dad had to give him stuff or people would not die. He kept pointing his bat at some people I saw Logan getting really mad when it got close to Glenn but I stood her ground. Negan came up to us.
"Yeah.You got a lot of our guns." Negan said.
Logan and I gave him this stare.
"Shit, kids, lighten up.At least cry a little."

Negan was teasing about Maggie and Glenn went insane and Glenn was put back into his spot.

"All right, listen.Don't any of you do that again.
I will shut that shit down, no exceptions.
First one's free.It's an emotional moment, I get it.
Sucks, don't it? The moment you realize you don't know shit." Negan said.
He stopped what he was saying and he looked at Logan and me.

"These are your kids,right?" Negan asked. Negan laughed. "These are definitely your kids. Oh my gosh you have twins"

"Just stop this!" Rick yelled.

"Hey! Do not make me kill the little future twin serial killers. Don't make it easy on me.
I gotta pick somebody.Everybody's at the table waiting for me to order.I simply cannot decide.
I got an idea." Negan said while pointing his bat.

"Eenie meenie miney mo catch a tiger by his toe.
If he hollers let him go.My mother told me to pick the very best one and you are it.Anybody moves, anybody says anything, cut the twin's other eye out and feed it to their father and then we'll start.
You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry.
Hell, you're all gonna be doing that."
Negan took his first hit on the person that was chosen. And was teasing the whole time.

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