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Alex was glad Kate was coming, but she could be trouble. He texted Jen to ask for pictures of Avery for his sister.

She replied, sorry I only have one and it won't interest you.

Avery was with Sterling. He assumed it was from last summer when Jen worked at the beach. The guy looked stiff ─ even on the beach. What did Jen ever see in him? He heard about Tom's meeting with him. Kate texted him back, she's pretty. Who's the guy?

He thought of two responses, the first was her friend's husband, but he texted her, just her friend.

She responded, Makes sense. He looks like he could be gay. Alex laughed thinking Kate was imagining things.

He hardly saw Jen all week, which was just as well. They talked most nights, but not for long. Her last order was due to arrive on Thursday. Sydney was arriving mid-morning on Friday. Alex would help her on Thursday afternoon.

Tom and Avery were flying in late on Friday night. He wondered if he and Jen would find themselves together over the weekend. He knew they would go to The Landing for lobster rolls.

Alex promised himself he'd be good on Thursday. He would help her and leave without having any deep conversations, hair smelling, or touching. He had not seen the house since the hair smelling incident and was not prepared. It was beautiful right down to the smallest detail. Her vision was impeccable.

"It's amazing!"

"I talked to Sydney. We'll submit some photos to magazines in hopes of getting a feature." Her excitement lit up her face.

He worked with her for close to two hours. Their conversation related only to the job at hand. Was it centered? Was it straight? Up a little on the right. Down some.

"I can't believe I only have three more days."

"Four with Monday."

"No, I booked an early flight on Monday. I figured I would go home and catch up on what I missed."

Alex couldn't believe she would be gone and was feeling more confused than ever. Looking around at her work, he considered hiring her to do his house, just so he could see her. He modified his thought. "My house really feels empty compared to this."

She laughed. "Do you even have a bed for your guests to sleep on?"

Embarrassed he said, "I'm giving them my bed. I bought an air mattress for myself."

"You know your house works for you. You're there awake about three or four hours most nights. It makes no sense for you to put a lot into it. Plus, it's only temporary."

"I may be there longer than I hoped or I might sell it and move into town. I'm not sure." He felt discouraged.

"I don't want you to get your hopes up, but I heard from my father that Mrs. Blake is sick. That sounds harsh, but you know what I mean."

"Yeah, no one wants anyone to be unwell, but maybe she'll sell her house." He refused to be excited about the possibility.

"You know in the meantime, if I were to recommend one thing for your house, it would be to set up an office space so you can have a kitchen."

"But I like seeing the game while I work."

"Get a desk and put it in view of your television. Just take pictures of your room and I'll find some suggestions for you. In the meantime, clean that area up before tomorrow night."

"You're afraid Avery will think I'm a slob. I'm not. I have a cleaning service." He defended himself even though he knew she was right. Changing the subject, he said, "Is it done? Are you ready for Sydney?"

"I just need to come over in the morning and take pictures in the daylight. I'm so glad I took this project."

"Were you ever not?"

"Sterling didn't want it. I went behind his back and took it. He had convinced me not to and then..."

"Why'd you change your mind?"

"I found out about his relationship."


"The night I left to drive up."

"What about that is humiliating?"

She just shook her head. He crammed his hands in his pockets because his fingers were itching to touch her, to feel the electricity that pulsed through him any time they came into contact. He felt it the other night when they sat next to each other with their friends. She was affected because she was flustered. He knew she reciprocated his feelings. The only way to not do something stupid was to leave, so reluctantly, he wished her goodnight and walked out the door.

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