If you don't remember, she is our best friend. The girl, you go to when you are in trouble! And that's when the guilt found it's way to Sana and she just looked down, fighting back the tears while regretting everything she just did.

*Ring Ring*

Sana and Jimin looked towards Tzuyu's phone which she clutched tightly in her other hand.

Tzuyu glanced at her phone before checking the called id and after checking it, without even thinking twice, she picked it up.

Taehyung! She exclaimed with a smile on her face while Sana and Jimin glanced at each other before staring back at Tzuyu.

I am doing this, because of you. So that, you won't forget me. Don't ever forget me. His voice was low and raspy as if he just woke up.

After this being said, the line ended and Tzuyu stared straight.

Taehyung sounded dead drunk.

In only one day, Tzuyu managed to lose Jungkook, fight with Mina and Sana, made Jimin fight with Sana for her and now, another one added on the list.

Fuck, something bad is gonna happen. Jimin glanced at his phone when it beeped indicating arrival of a message sent by Jin who texted,

It's emergency! COME TO THE MAIN GATE!
              - Jin

They didn't needed to be told twice, the three of them just ran. They never ran this fast in their life, especially Sana since she is too clumsy.

When they finally reached the main gate, they found their other friends and quickly ran towards them without noticing the boy, who was drunk and driving aimlessly in the school campus. 

Someone stop him! He's drunk! The voice of Mina was recognised by them and their head turned towards her. She was a crying mess by this time.

The three of them goes towards Mina in order to calm her. Jimin grabs Mina's shoulders before looking at her and speaking,

Everything's gonna be fine. He says to her but she laughs bitterly before harshly shoving Jimin away and looking at Sana, Tzuyu and Jimin with anger.

After this day, I don't want to see any of you. You are the cause of this! Mina points at Tzuyu and she looks down.

SHE. ISN'T. Jimin spits out angrily startling everyone. Mina looks at Jimin with tears in her eyes, shocked at his outburst.

You know what, I HATE YOU ALL! She yells before Jihyo quickly grabs Mina's shoulders and yells at them,

This is not the fucking right time guys! TAEHYUNG IS IN FUCKING DANGER, DON'T YOU SEE?! I'll take care of Mina, you guys, please.... Jihyo's voice cracks and she looks away from them trying to hide the tears in her eyes.

Taehyung was so drunk and so in love that his heart was aching as if someone is potentially choking him from inside. He was way too drunk to know what he was doing but somewhere in his head, he was determined. Determined to kill himself.

Tzuyu was frozen staring at him. By this time she wasn't in shock but surely was dead inside knowing she is the cause of Taehyung doing this.

Taehyung had a clear picture of what he wanted right now. And it was for Tzuyu to never forget him after school ends and the only way he found, so that she won't forget him was death.

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